Prior year's valuation is moot
By Treena Shapiro
Advertiser Staff Writer
Q. In previous years, annual real property assessments included the total value of the property, a breakdown for the value of the land and improvements, and the valuation for the prior period for comparative purposes. This year's assessments provide only a gross amount for both the land and improvements, with no figures from last year. This makes it much more difficult for homeowners to understand exactly what they are paying for by way of land and improvements. Is this another scam to squeeze more bucks out of the homeowner?
A. The information is not included this year because it cannot be used as grounds for appeal. You need to compare the value of your home to the sale of similar homes in your neighborhood, rather than what your house was worth last year.
"In prior years, taxpayers were comparing the increase in building values or land values, instead of focusing on the total value and comparing this total with market value, subsequently losing their appeals and $25," said Gary Kurokawa, head of the city's Division of Real Property Assessment.
The prior year's assessment was removed for the same reason, since appeals cannot be based on the increase over the previous year. The real basis for comparison are comparable real estate transactions. "Taxpayers can relate the sale that occurred next door to their property as a total value," he said.
Q. What can I do about potholes or dips in the concrete curbing at the bus stop on Sumner Street and Iwilei Road near Kmart? The city said it would fix them several months ago, but hasn't. The big problem is that the holes are constantly filled with water mostly from the Institute for Human Services hosing down their cooking things and when the buses stop, they splash the dirty water onto the homeless and elderly people waiting for the bus.
A. Vicki Borges, special assistant to the mayor, said a crew was sent over to look at the problem and patch the potholes. "If ponding in the gutter is a problem, the crew will temporarily patch with asphalt to even out the gutter," she said.
In addition, Benny Anagaran of the city's storm water quality branch has contacted the Institute for Human Services and asked them to stop hosing off their lanai.
According to Anagaran, the runoff not only creates a nuisance in the street, but also leads to hazardous conditions in the storm drain. "They agreed to stop the practice," he said.
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