Where legislators stand on the issues
• | Lawmaker support strong for expanding drug therapy |
• | Lawmakers split on school reform |
Advertiser Staff
In December, The Advertiser gave legislators a one-page questionnaire asking them to indicate whether they support or oppose 20 proposals. Those who missed the Dec. 23 deadline to return the survey were contacted and given additional opportunities to respond. Of the 76 legislators, all but three senators and six House members answered at least some of the questions. Some lawmakers submitted written statements elaborating on their answers, and some refused to answer questions because they said their views on those issues couldn't be addressed with simple "support or oppose" answers. Others said they need to hear public testimony and review the specifics of each proposal before they can take a public position.
Would you support legislation that would:
1. Give counties additional taxing authority for any purposes they choose?
2. Give counties additional taxing authority to pay only for mass transit systems?
3. Ban political campaign contributions by government contractors?
4. Reduce contribution limits for the governor, lieutenant governor and lawmakers?
5. Extend Act 221 in some form beyond 2005?
6. Expand state-funded substance abuse treatment programs?
7. Require health insurance companies to provide the same level of benefits for substance abuse as they do for other illnesses?
8. Make it easier for law enforcement officials to use wiretapping methods?
9. Establish "voluntary" drug-testing for students?
10. Allocate money for a new correctional/treatment facility in Hawai'i
11. Place on the ballot a constitutional amendment question asking voters if they want to decentralize the Board of Education into locally elected school boards?
12. Establish a new "weighted" student spending formula for public schools in which specific dollar amounts are assigned to each individual student?
13. Repeal the law that would authorize the Public Utilities Commission to cap retail and wholesale gasoline prices?
14. Amend the gasoline price cap law to tie the maximum price for gasoline to prices nationwide rather than just California?
15. Repeal the "bottle bill" that establishes a 5-cent deposit for beverage containers starting in 2005?
16. Fund environmental impact statements for a fixed rail transit project and Nimitz Highway "flyover" project?
17. Expand county control over the land use process and reduce the oversight of the Land Use Commission?
18. Mandate the amount of clean energy a utility must provide?
19. Provide tax credits to employers who offer healthcare insurance to part-time employees.
20. Seek congressional approval to adjust the state's Prepaid Health Care Act?
Note: Legislators were asked a 21st question: Under what circumstances, if any, would you support raising taxes? They were asked to respond in 20 words or less; their answers are not included on this here.
• | Chart: House responses |
• | Chart: Senate responses |
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