Don't be a stranger in the strange land of Mars
Knight Ridder News Service
Visit this NASA page for the latest images from the rover, including pictures of the oddly shaped vehicle itself. The craft landed like a beach ball and unfolded itself like an umbrella. What do the Martians think?
For more NASA sites about Mars, consult:
A space news site, this one includes updates on the search for the missing British Beagle 2 Mars lander, which should have touched down on Christmas Day but has not been heard from.
Styled as an interplanetary news site, MarsDaily bills itself as "Your Portal to Mars," with "24/7 news from planet Mars." What with all the spacecraft landings, we expect a report soon on the first Martian traffic jam.
One report here suggests that money spent on the Iraq war could otherwise have funded a manned expedition to the Red Planet. Perhaps we ought to have sent Saddam.
One of the founders of the Planetary
Society was popular astronomer the late Carl Sagan. The society promotes planetary exploration and is tracking the Spirit rover's every move.