Marveling at the moon
Advertiser Staff and News Services
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2004 poster-sized wall calendars sell for $8.95. Organizations making bulk orders (minimum of 10) will be charged $5 per calendar, allowing groups to sell below retail to raise money.
Calendar sales raise money for the club's scholarship program, which awards thousands of dollars to deserving Native Hawaiian scholars.
Calendars are available at Na Mea Hawai'i at Ward Warehouse or by calling the club at 479-6349.
Stirring stories
Some love stories are so inspiring that they melt the hearts of cynics.
That's the kind of story we want to hear.
Let it all gush out by telling us about it, and we'll profile you and your sweetheart in a feature just in time for Valentine's Day.
Whether it's a tale of how you met, got engaged, overcame the odds or reunited after years apart, we want to hear about it.
Send your story to: Love Stories, c/o Tanya Bricking Leach, relationships writer, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Fax entries to 525-8055 or e-mail Be sure to include your name and daytime phone number. The deadline is Feb. 1.
Chips with an edge
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From carb-free chocolate bars to bacon and eggs in the morn, dieting just isn't the same since your low-carb plan has come around. Even Subway, the mammoth sandwich chain, has felt your influence and added low-carb wraps.
And now, Frito-Lay is hopping aboard the low-carb train. The chip maker will introduce Doritos Edge and Tostito Edge in the spring, each having a total of 6 net carbohydrates, 10 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.
The chips will be in stores in May.
What next? Low-carb beer? Oh, never mind.
Banana split hit
If you're willing to risk a temporary brain freeze for banana-split bliss, a year of free ice cream could be yours.
Ronnie's Ice Cream Parlor & Restaurant will present its annual ice-cream-eating contest 5 p.m. Mondays during February and March.
The first contestant to finish a whole banana split (hands- and spoon-free) each night will get a chance to compete in the final round March 29.
But heed this warning posted by the parlor: Ronnie's is not responsible for any effects from the contest.
There's a $5.95 entry fee. Participants must be at least 18, or have written parental consent. Details: 485-0995.