Maui vineyard turning 30
Haleakala, Maui's magnificent mountain, makes its own weather, breaking the area into dozens of microclimates, from steaming rain forest to alpine desert.
So conditions are right for grapes at Tedeschi Vineyards at 'Ulupalakua, on 22 acres of Haleakala's cool upland slope. The vineyard celebrates its 30th birthday next month with an anniversary chenin blanc wine.
"We're using the anniversary to take what we've learned, replant our vineyard and change some products to meet growing demand," said Maui Winery president Paula Hegele. "We'll be creating light and fresh wines that match Hawai'i's regional cuisines as well as producing red wines suitable for hot weather."
In addition to its established carnelian grape, the winery is planning varietals such as syrah, syrah noir, chenin blanc, pinot gris and two types of chardonnay.
In 1974, 'Ulupalakua Ranch owner C. Pardee Erdman, working with Emil Tedeschi, a vintner from California, began planting vines in the volcanic soil. Waiting for the grapes to mature, the vintners experimented with pineapple-based juices. In 1977 Tedeschi Vineyards produced Maui Blanc Pineapple Wine, which remains its most popular product, selling more than a quarter-million bottles each year.
Take a free guided tour at Tedeschi Vineyards between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The tasting room hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
A limited bottling of Tedeschi Vineyard's chenin blanc will be available for tasting and purchasing at winery's tasting room and from Information: (808) 878-1266.
Where to shop?
We've picked five cities popular with Island travelers, and we'd like your insights on where to shop there. We're looking for the offbeat — not the malls and outlet centers everybody knows, but the specialty stores, hobby shops, clothing boutiques, flea markets, local designer studios and good stuff you can't find in Hawai'i.
Where can you find the coolest gifts for your cat-loving friends? Is there a shop for left-handed folks in New York? Where do you find Auntie Malia's favorite knitting yarns? Who's that fabulous accessories designer in Seattle? The cities:
- Las Vegas.
- New York.
- San Francisco.
- Seattle.
- Vancouver, British Columbia.
Give Paula Rath your suggestions at 525-5464 or