Yellowed caulk can be whitened to match bathtub liner
By Glenn Haege
Q. We had a bathtub liner installed about two years ago. Every place where they used caulk, it has turned yellow. Do you know any product we can use to make the caulk blend in with the white liner?
A. Tape the tub area and the wall with blue masking tape. Scrub the caulk with a toothbrush and Zud heavy-duty cleaner, which you can usually get at the grocery store.
After cleaning, rinse thoroughly and seal with Gel Gloss (www.gel-gloss.com) by TR Industries. It should stay white for about three months.
Q. I have developed an interest in woodworking. I've been dabbling around with small projects. I've shopped Sears, Ace, etc., and cannot find some tools. Any idea where I might find the following tools: marking gauge, mortise gauge, draw knife, cornering tool, spoke shave and honing jig (for planes)?
A. Woodworking is a wonderful hobby. If you do not already subscribe, you will get a lot of information reading Fine Woodworking magazine, www.finewoodworking.com.
The best place to find kindred spirits and the tools you need is a woodworker's store.
Q. I've tried everything to get hard-water spots off our outside windows. If the wind is blowing just right, the sprinklers get the windows wet. Do you have any suggestions?
A. Do this project at a time of day when the windows will be out of the direct sun for about two or three hours. Protect the wood or vinyl trim, then try brush-on style oven cleaner from the grocery store. Apply with a bristle paintbrush. Let stand one hour. Rinse off, then seal with Unelko Invisible Shield (www.unelko.com).
Glenn Haege writes for the Detroit News. Reach him at askglenn@masterhandyman.com.