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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, July 25, 2004

Lit Beat


How to Do Oral History, three-session workshop led by Michiko Kodama-Nishimoto on the elements of a successful project including developing a questionnaire, conducting a recorded interview, transcribing the tape and disseminating the completed interview, 1-4 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday, UH-Manoa Krauss 012, Yukiyoshi Room; $90. Register for course D06977: 956-8400.

"Aloha Shorts," weekly radio show, 5 p.m. Mondays, on Hawaii Public Radio station KIPO 89.3 with host Cedric Yamanaka. This week Nara Springer Conaty reads Marie Hara's story, "Fourth Grade Ukus." 955-8821.


Stuart Holmes Coleman signs his book, "Eddie Would Go," and gives away "Eddie" posters, 4-5 p.m. today, Borders, Waikele. 676-6699.

Leonard Villanueva, author of "Kaipo and the Mighty 'Ahi," signs his book, noon-1 p.m. Saturday, Barnes & Noble, Kahala Mall. 737-3323.

Glenda Chung Hinchey signs her book, "Like a Joyful Bird: a Memoir," noon-1 p.m. Saturday, Borders Express (formerly Waldenbooks), Mililani Town Center, 623-2138.

Laurie Shimizu Ide, author of "Hawaiian Tropical Flower Arranging," 1-2 p.m. Saturday, Pearl Harbor Navy Exchange. 423-3344.

Carrie Ching signs her book, "Tons of Things to Do for Hawai'i's Kids," 2-3 p.m. Saturday, Barnes & Noble, Kahala Mall. 737-3323.


Honolulu Theatre for Youth and the Sex Abuse Treatment Center seek proposals for short plays to be presented to middle and high school students on the topics of sexual harassment and sexual violence in dating relationships. Present a two-page proposal by Aug. 15 to Call 839-9885, ext. 17, for details before submitting your proposal.

Lee A. Tonouchi, a pidgin writer and activist, is seeking submissions for his "Da Kine Dictionary." Obtain submission forms for pidgin words at or 734-7159, ext. 21.


African American Reading Group, 6:15 p.m. tomorrow, 1311 Kapi'olani Blvd., suite 203. Information: 597-1341.

Nonfiction Reading Group now forming. Those interested in discussing serious works can express their interest by e-mailing


Keiki Storytime, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays, Borders, Waikele. 676-6699.

Craft and Storytime, 11 a.m. Tuesdays, Barnes & Noble, Kahala Mall. 737-3323.

Story Time in the Garden, children read stories, make a nature craft or game and visit a tree with leader Brandy Rea, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Friday, Foster Botanical Garden; free. Reservation required: 522-7064.

Literacy Through Arts Program, for children 4-18 years, 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesdays and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays, Waimanalo Public and School Library; free. 259-2610.

Keiki Storytime, 11 a.m. Saturdays, Borders, Ward Centre. 591-8995.

Send announcements with contact names and phone numbers to Lit Beat, Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Lit Beat" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.