Demystifying Ruth
Advertiser Staff and News Services
While Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani was a staunch defender of Hawaiian language and culture, she has been something of a mystery to students of Hawaiian history.
That could change this month with the premiere of PBS' "Biography Hawaii: Ruth Ke'elikolani," a compelling biographic documentary that fills in many historical blanks in the life of the nonconformist 19th-century chief, who refused to speak English, practice Christianity or leave the Hawaiian Islands.
English- and Hawaiian-language versions of the half-hour documentary will air on PBS on June 9 and 12 (starting at 8 each night). If you can't wait, a free public pre-screening of both versions will be held at 7:30 tonight at the University of Hawai'i- Manoa Art Auditorium.
Wienermobile cruisin'
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You could be granted that wish the use of the Wienermobile for a day in the first-ever Oscar Mayer "Oh I Wish" contest, now under way.
Oscar Mayer, which owns the Wienermobile a hot dog of a car is collaborating with Big Brothers Big Sisters this summer, with a cross-country tour and an online auction on eBay. The hot-dog company will match proceeds on bids and donations collected.
The "Oh I Wish" contest, open to kids of all ages (which means adults too), requires wishes in 50 words or less on why you want to use the vehicle for a day. A wedding? A tailgate party? A birthday? A lu'au?
Entries may be sent by snail mail: Oh I Wish Contest, P.O. Box 4377, Blair, NE 68009-4377. Or enter at oscarmay Deadline is July 29.
Ugly but lovable dolls
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That's no insult for Uglydolls. They're a homely, cartoonish alternative to stuffed animals, if you're looking for something a little warped. (And kids aren't the only ones who love them.)
The nine Uglydoll characters have been featured in fashion boutiques such as Barney's New York and have made their way into fashion magazines. Now you can get them at Thinker Toys in Ala Moana Center for $23.95.