Ronald Reagan timeline
Associated Press
1932 Graduates from Eureka College, Eureka, Ill.
1932-37 Works as a radio announcer, and in 1937 makes film debut.
Jan. 26, 1940 Marries actress Jane Wyman. They divorce in 1949.
1947 Becomes president of the Screen Actors Guild
March 4, 1952 Marries actress Nancy Davis.
Nov. 8, 1966 Elected California governor over incumbent Democrat Edmund G. "Pat" Brown.
Nov. 3, 1970 Elected to a second term as governor.
Nov. 4, 1980 Wins presidency, defeating incumbent Jimmy Carter.
Jan. 20, 1981 Sworn in as 40th president of the United States. Iranian hostages are released on same day.
March 30, 1981 John Hinckley Jr. tries to assassinate him as he leaves a Washington hotel after giving a speech.
July 7, 1981 Nominates Arizona judge Sandra Day O'Connor to become the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
August 1981 Fires more than 11,000 air traffic controllers after they go on strike against the Federal Aviation Administration.
Oct. 23, 1983 Two hundred and forty-one U.S. Marines and sailors in Lebanon are killed in Beruit.
Oct. 25, 1983 U.S. troops invade island of Grenada after a leftist coup there.
Nov. 6, 1984 Defeats former Vice President Walter Mondale for re-election.
1985 Undergoes successful surgery for colon cancer.
Nov. 19-21, 1985 Summit in Geneva with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Reagan calls it a "fresh start" in U.S.-Soviet relations.
Oct. 11-12, 1986 Summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, on arms reduction and the U.S. strategic defense initiative known as "Star Wars."
November 1986 The Iran-Contra affair becomes public.
March 4, 1987 Reagan acknowledges in a televised speech that his Iranian initiative deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages deal saying, "It was a mistake."
Dec. 8-10, 1987 Summit in Washington. Reagan and Gorbachev sign treaty to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear forces but disagreement over Star Wars blocks progress on a strategic arms reduction treaty.
May 29 — June 2, 1988 Summit in Moscow. Reagan, Gorbachev exchange ratified texts of the INF treaty, discuss strategic and conventional arms and stroll in Red Square.
January 1989 Returns to California after second term ends.
Nov. 4, 1991 Reagan presidential library in Simi Valley, Calif., opens.
Nov. 5, 1994 Discloses he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
June 5, 2004 Dies after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease at his home in California.