Posted on: Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Boxing commission: Just say no to Tyson
He's back. Two years ago, the Hawai'i State Boxing Commission let heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson know it wouldn't be issuing him a license to fight here or elsewhere.
Now, Tyson is back looking for permission to fight on a Sept. 11 combination card featuring boxing as well as K-1 matches.
K-1 is a mixed martial art combining boxing, kick-boxing and other forms. The Tyson bout would be held under boxing rules. Some other bouts could be by K-1 rules.
Tyson's application was discouraged two years ago in part because of suspicions that it was a ploy to get a Hawai'i license for use in a state that had refused to license Tyson.
This new application has a better chance, it's felt.
But we urge the commission to continue to refuse to associate the Hawai'i name with Mike Tyson.
There is no question that Tyson has been a gifted boxer. But as a human being, his record is simply appalling, from a rape conviction to biting the ear of one of his opponents in the ring.
There's only one word that Tyson should hear from the Hawai'i commission. That word is no.