Community Calendar
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"DOWN BY THE ALA WAI," 50th celebration of Ala Wai Elementary School, 6 p.m. in the school's cafeteria. 973-0075.
FAMILIES FOR R.E.A.L., Resources & Early Access to Learning parent and child classes for families with infants, toddlers and preschoolers through May 28, Kapunahala Elementary School, 45-828 Anoi Road, Room A-1, Kane'ohe; sponsored by the Department of Education; free; several classes offered; call to register. 233-5656.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Wahiawa No. 26, 7 p.m., Wahiawa Recreation Center, Halekoa Building, 1139 Kilani Ave.
ROTARY CLUB OF HONOLULU luncheon program, noon, Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Monarch Room; featured speaker, Gary Gilson, executive director, Minnesota News Council on "Why the News Is the Way It Is"; and "What You Can Do to Help Make It Better"; $18.35 fee. 922-5526.
FORUM ON FORGIVING, 6 to 8 p.m., The Mediation Center of the Pacific, Dole Cannery office building, 680 Iwilei St., Suite 530; featuring the video lecture "Forgive For Good" by Dr. Fred Luskin of the Stanford Forgiveness Project; free. 521-6767.
"CLONING IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE" lecture, 7 p.m., University of Hawai'i-Manoa, Campus Center Ballroom, by world-renowned reproductive biologist Ian Wilmut, leader of the team that produced Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult cell; free; public invited. 956-3712.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Mililani Mauka /Launani Valley No. 35, 7 p.m., Mililani Mauka Elementary School, 95-1111 Makaikai St.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Nu'uanu/Punchbowl No. 12, 7:15 p.m., Booth District Park, 2331 Kaneali'i Ave.
ANNUAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DAY CELEBRATION, by the Honolulu Community-Media Council 11:30 a.m., IMIN Center, Garden Level, 1601 East-West Road; featured speaker, Big Island Mayor Harry Kim; members $20, non-members $25, lunch included; parking $3; reserve by Monday. 545-1075.
"HAWAI'I'S ROLE IN THE ASIA PACIFIC REGION," luncheon forum featuring Gov. Linda Lingle, 11:45 a.m., Ilikai Hotel, Pacific Ballroom Salon F; Pacific and Asian Affairs Council members $30, nonmembers $35; validated parking $3; reserve by today. 944-7784.
THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, WAIKIKI CHAPTER, regular business luncheon/meeting, 11 a.m., Wailani Coffee House; all retired and current federal employees are welcome. 941-1979.
AARP HAWAI'I PRESCRIPTION DRUG FORUM, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village; learn how to reduce prescription drug costs; share your stories with legislators; help shape a solution to make prescription drugs more affordable; light refreshments to be served; call to register. (877) 926-8300.
"SEEING THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY: CHANGING THE FACE OF LGBT YOUTH," presentation by Dr. Robert Garofalo, nationally recognized expert on issues confronting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth, 7 to 9 p.m., Church of the Crossroads, Weaver Hall, 1212 University Ave.; panel discussion by young LGBT community members to follow; free. 988-2184.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kaimuki No. 4, 7 p.m., Lili'uokalani Elementary School, 3633 Wai'alae Ave.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kalihi-Palama No. 15, 7 p.m., Kapalama School cafeteria, 1601 N. School St.
"DOING FIELDWORK IN JAPAN," panel discussion by experts in the fields of anthropology and sociology, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Tokioka Room, Moore 319, University of Hawai'i-Manoa; free. 956-2665.
WAHIAWA LEGISLATIVE FORUM, featuring Sen. Robert Bunda and Rep. Marcus Oshiro, 7 p.m., Hale Koa Building, Fred Wright Park; on current legislative actions; question and answer period; refreshments provided. 621-5109 ext. 226.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Wai'alae-Kahala No. 3, 7 p.m., Wesley United Methodist Church, 1350 Hunakai St.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Waipahu No. 22, 7 p.m., Waipahu Cultural Garden Park, 94-695 Waipahu St.
NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD MEETING, Kane'ohe No. 30, 7 p.m., Windward Community College, 45-720 Kea'ahale Road, Hale Akoakoa 103-105.