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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Sunday, March 28, 2004


Advertiser Staff

The Advertiser publishes obituaries about people of interest to its readers as a free public service. Obituaries may be submitted by mortuaries or, with proof of death, by individuals in writing. Fax 525-8037 or write to Obituaries Editor, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802. Include a contact name and phone number. We reserve the right to edit for form, style and newsworthiness. Date of publication cannot be guaranteed. To publish paid death notices, call the classified ads department at 521-9111.

ESPERANZA MENOR ALIPIO, 77, of Honolulu, died March 10, 2004. Born in La Paz, Laoag City, Philippines. Survived by husband, Tranquilino; daughters, Filomena Agcanas and Chitalyn Maldonado; sister, Felicidad Amodo; brother, Benjamin Sampayan; five grandchildren. Visitation 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at Full Gospel Temple; service 7 p.m. Visitation also 10 a.m. Saturday at the mortuary; service 11:30 a.m.; burial 1 p.m. at Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. Arrangements by Mililani Downtown Mortuary.

SHUTOKU ARAKAWA, 82, of Pahoa, Hawai'i, died March 23, 2004. Born in Pahoa. A mechanic retired from the former Hilo Motors. Survived by wife, Fusaye; daughters, Claire and Cindy; brothers, Shuyasu "Walter," Shuye, Shugoro "Harold" and Shuroku "Lefty"; sister, Patsy; a grandson. Private service held. Arrangements by Dodo Mortuary.

GARY HITOSHI ARIZALA, 65, of Mililani, died March 20, 2004. Born in Waimea, Kaua'i. The owner of Alphabetland and Merry-Go-Round Preschools. Survived by wife, Amy; sons, Garrett and Kyle; daughter, Leinell Newman; two grandchildren; sister, Joy Kumakura. Service 7 p.m. Thursday at Mililani Mortuary Mauka Chapel. Casual or aloha attire.

NORMA HO BERTELMANN, 86, of Honolulu, died March 19, 2004. Born in Honolulu. Retired from First Hawaiian Bank. Survived by daughters, Sandra Weatherwax and Debbie Bertlemann; sisters, Margaret Wong, Fannie Chock and Thelma Mock; six grandchildren; a great-grandson. Private service held. Arrangements by Borthwick Mortuary.

OLGA LEILANI LOUISE DE PONTE, 88, of Pukalani, Maui, died March 23, 2004. Born in Wailuku, Maui. Retired licensed practical nurse at Maui Medical Center. Survived by son, Michael Aheong; daughters, Ynez Acain and Beverly Kealaluhi; 16 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; a great-grandchild. Visitation 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Ballard Family Mortuary; service 7:30 p.m.; cremation to follow. Casual attire.

ELENA ALONZO DUMBRIGUE, 67, of 'Ewa Beach, died March 17, 2004. Born in Laoag City, Philippines. Survived by husband, Pacifico; daughters, Liza Halunajan and Lorna Kidd; son, Pacifico Jr.; a grandson; brothers, Emilio, Florencio, Paulino and Bernabe Alonzo; sister, Veronica Alonzo. Visitation 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at Mililani Mortuary Mauka Chapel; service 7 p.m. Visitation also 9 a.m. Thursday at the mortuary; service 10:30 a.m.; burial 11 a.m. at Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.

MARJORIE FRANCA, 79, of Waipahu, died March 21, 2004. Born in Hono-lulu. A retired child caregiver. Survived by husband, Manuel; daughters, Carol Hartman, Cynthia Brown, Jewel Lee and Linda Kondo; sons, Earl and Warren; sister, Lorraine Martin; 23 grandchildren; 40 great-grandchildren; a great-great-granddaughter. Visitation 10 a.m. Friday at Hawaiian Memorial Park Mortuary; service 11 a.m.; burial to follow at Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. No flowers. Casual attire. Memorial donations to the American Diabetes Association.

CHARLOTTE TAZUKO GOYA, 84, of Hilo, Hawai'i, died March 27, 2004. Born in Hawai'i. A retired dress shop owner. Survived by sons, Tommy and Harold; daughter, Sandra Nagata; brother, Robert Hongo; sister, Lily Inouye; five grandchildren. Visitation 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Church of the Holy Cross, Hilo; service 5 p.m. No flowers. Casual attire. Arrangements by Dodo Mortuary.

MASAMI "SKIP" ISHIHARA, 87, of Honolulu, died March 19, 2004. Born in Waialua. A retired carpenter. Survived by wife, Shizue; sons, Michael and Russell; daughters, Eileen Clarke, Linda Nishiki and Sandra Ishihara-Shibata; 14 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Service 4 p.m. Thursday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. No flowers. Casual attire.

SARAH KUULEI KAOHI, 85, of Waimea, Kaua'i, died Feb. 23, 2004. Born in Waimea Valley, Kaua'i. A homemaker. Survived by son, Hugh Naumu; seven grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; sister, the Rev. Thelma Blake. Memorial donations to the Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church. Private service. Arrangements by Garden Island Mortuary.

DIXON YOSHIO KODAMA SR., 62, of Honolulu, died March 13, 2004. Born in Honolulu. A retired Honolulu Police Department sergeant. Survived by wife, Lalona "Lana"; sons, Arthur, Curtis, Daniel, Dixon Jr. and Dean Kodama, and Ikua and Kolomona Purdy; daughters, Kahealani and Mahealani Purdy; Raymond and Conan; eight grandchildren. Visitation 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Borthwick Mortuary; service 11:30 a.m.; burial 2 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park. Aloha attire.

ROBERT E. LOWRIE, 73, of Springfield, Mass., died March 10, 2004. Born in Gloucester, Mass. A Roosevelt High School graduate who taught anthropology and sociology at American International College. Survived by wife, Doris; daughters, Margaret "Lani" Kretschmar, Deborah Kenniston and Bonnie DeWitt; six grandchildren. Burial was at Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Agawam, Mass.

PETER "MACKIE" MACAHELEG, 83, of Pupukea, died March 23, 2004. A World War II U.S. Army veteran who retired from Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. Survived by daughters, Geraldine Gutierrez, Charlene Turner and Roxanne Smith; sons, Jerome and Peter Jr.; 16 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. Visitation 9 a.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church; Mass 10:30 a.m.; burial 3 p.m. at Hawaiian Memorial Park.

FLORENCIO MANGLALLAN, 97, of Honolulu, died March 11, 2004. Born in Barangay 34, Guisit, Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. A retired cannery operator for Dole Cannery. Survived by wife, Maria; son, Jason; daughter, Jenice; sisters, Trinidad Manglallan and Dolores Agacia. Visitation 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at Nuuanu Mortuary; service 7 p.m. Visitation also 8 to 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the mortuary; service 8:30 a.m.; burial to follow at Valley of the Temples Memorial Park.

LARRY SHIGEO MATSUDA, 91, of Honolulu, died March 14, 2004. Born in North Kohala, Hawai'i. Retired owner for Sterling Wood Craft. Survived by wife, Gladys; sons, Ronald and Dean; daughters, Lorraine Kanamu and Wanda Emilyon; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; brother, Ralph; sister, Clara Uyechi. Service 6 p.m. Thursday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. No flowers. Casual attire.

ALEXANDER RIBERIO REDO-AINA, 29, of Hana, Maui, died March 24, 2004. Born in Hana. A cook for Hotel Hana. Survived by mother, Debralee Aina; father, Samuel Aina; son, Bryan Carvalho; brother, Samuel Aina Jr.; sisters, Valei and Daisy Aina; grandparents, Leinaala Redo, Alexander Aina and Jennie Aina. Visitation 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Kaupo Protestant Church; service noon; burial to follow at the church cemetery. Casual attire. Arrangements by Ballard Family Mortuary.

BERNARD PONG MUN SONG, 67, of Honolulu, died March 14, 2004. Born in Honolulu. A retired meatcutter for Hickam Commissary. Survived by daughters, Rochelle Bonilla and Meagan Song. Visitation 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Nuuanu Mortuary; service 11:30 a.m.; burial at 2 p.m. at Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. Casual attire.

KIKUE SUNAOKA, 89, of Kane'ohe, died March 12, 2004. Born in Hono-lulu. A homemaker. Survived by son, Roy; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; brothers, Masao and Yoshio Yamamoto; sister, Haruko Sato. Service 6 p.m. Wednesday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary.

MAGDALENA SARAGOSA TOTMAN, 71, of Pahoa, Hawai'i, died March 22, 2004. Born in 'Aiea. A packer for Consolidated Theatres. Survived by husband, Richard; sons, Lonnie Wilson, Michael Wilson, Steven Wilson, Nathan Totman and Patrick Totman; daughters, Mae Clifford and Bernadette Totman-Souza; brother, Santiago Saragosa; sisters, Mary Malvas, Hilidina Maning and Theresa Abordonado; 30 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren. Visitation 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Saint Rita's Catholic Church, Nanakuli; Mass 11:30 a.m.; burial 2 p.m. at Hawai'i State Veterans Cemetery. Arrangements by Borthwick Hawaii Funeral Home.

TSUGIO UEYAMA, 87, of Mountain View, Hawai'i, died March 19, 2004. Retired from Volcano National Park. Survived by wife, Jane; sons, Dennis and Gerald; daughter, Lynn Wong; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brother, Harold Iwahori. Private service held. Arrangements by Borthwick Mortuary.

BILLYE PAUAHI KAHELEMAUNA PILIALOHA "MAUNA" WAIOHU, 44, of Waimea, Hawai'i, died March 23, 2004. Born in Honolulu. A homemaker and former employee of McDonald's of Waimea, Mauna Kea Beach Hotel and Kamuela Meat Market. Survived by husband, Samuel; sons, Kaeo and Aukai; stepsons, Samuel Jr. and Justin; father, Wray Straus; brothers, Naea Straus and W. Keeaumoku Straus; sisters, Dayna Wright, L. Auhea Puhi and W.D. Keomailani Case; two grandchildren. Visitation 10 a.m to noon Friday at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Waimea; service noon; burial to follow at Waimea Cemetery, Mormon Section. Casual attire.