Posted on: Saturday, May 1, 2004
Girl Scouts seek return of vests, badges
By Christie Wilson
Neighbor Island Editor
WAILUKU, Maui Two Maui Girl Scouts are seeking the return of their green uniform vest and sash, stolen Sunday from a rental van at the Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park.
The two are members of Central Maui's Junior Troop 1032, which sent 14 girls to O'ahu to perform the national and state anthems at last Saturday's annual meeting of the Girl Scout Council of Hawai'i.
Troop leader Margaret Santos said the girls saved up three years' worth of money from cookie sales to pay for the weekend trip. Before flying back to Maui Sunday, they visited the water park, where thieves broke into the van and made off with wallets, cell phones, a camera, and her daughter's ukulele.
They also took three bags, costing Cayla Morimoto, 11, a vest festooned with dozens of special-event patches and achievement badges. Serena Perry, also 11, lost her sash with all its adornments.
"Everything else can be replaced, but that's something we'll never get back," said Morimoto's mother, Candy Lahm. "She has her Brownie vest, which she had for three years, and she was going to save this one, too, so when she had kids she could show them."
Santos issued a plea for anyone who may find the items to drop them off at the Girl Scout Council headquarters on Wyllie Street in Honolulu or a police station.
The two girls hope to get them back in time for a May 16 ceremony in which the troop will receive a Bronze Award, the highest honor for Junior Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout number in Hono-lulu is 595-8400.