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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, May 14, 2004

Home & Garden Calendar

Advertiser Staff


"Homes & Land," TV show displays homes and land for sale in the Islands, noon Mondays through Fridays, on Fox Channel 2 (broadcast) and Channel 3 (Oceanic Cable). 591-2222.

Furniture Workshop Tours: Learn about the history and craft of Hawaiian furniture, tours between 9 a.m. and noon Wednesdays, Martin & MacArthur Workshop and Showroom, 1815 Kahai St.; free. 845-6688.

Remodel It Right Seminar, focusing on multi-generational homes with guest speaker Marshall Hickox, and mini-exposition of remodeling products and services, 6-8:30 p.m. Thursday, St. John Vianney School, Kailua; free.

Get House Smart, BIA-Hawaii's Parade of Homes, set for Oct. 2, 3, 9 and 10, is accepting entries from developers and contractors in various categories. Details and entry forms available at the Building Industry Association-Hawaii Web site ( or 847-4666, ext. 206. Early deadline is tomorrow; general deadline is June 30.


Arranging with Edibles, learn how to use flowers, vegetables and herbs to create table arrangements and centerpieces, with Pat Schnack, 9:30-11:30 a.m. today, Lyon Arboretum; $12 ($10 arboretum members). Registration required: 988-0456.

Growing Canoe Crops, second annual Kona seed and cuttings exchange with speakers, including Alvin Yoshinaga of Lyon Arboretum on seed storage, Jerry Konanui on taro varieties, Ken Love on growing fruit from seed and Nancy Redfeather on seed preservation, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. tomorrow, Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, Mamalahoa Highway, Kona, Big Island; $5. (808) 323-3318.

EZ Orchid Growing, Randy Tojima instructs on watering, fertilizing and propagating orchids, 9:30-noon tomorrow, Ho'omaluhia Botanical Garden; $22 ($20 botanical garden members). Reservations required: 537-1708.

Appetites of Asia, with catered lunch, fashion show, silent auction and entertainment to benefit the North Shore Outdoor Circle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. May 29, Dillingham Ranch, 68-434 Farrington Highway, Waialua; $60. Reservation deadline is Wednesday. 626-7721.

Betty Crocker LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN AWARDS, nominations are sought for Scenic Hawaii's annual awards for outstanding landscapes and gardens on all Hawaiian islands. Three categories: Professional, for one-time or continuing design that is viewed or used by the public; Private Gardeners, for design in a yard or neighborhood; and Community Gardens, for public spaces developed and maintained by volunteers or community organizations. Nomination deadline is tomorrow. Awards ceremony planned for June 28. For more information, call 263-5627.

The Outdoor Circle's Spring General Membership Meeting, with a project preservation exhibit and presentations by Lynn Ann Davis and Kimo Keaulana, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Hamilton Library, UH--Manoa; $10 in advance. Reservations: 593-0300.

Cooking/Eating!, organic agriculture and culinary arts class on how to plant, harvest, cook and eat vegetables, 9 a.m.-noon May 22, MA'O Farm, Wai'anae; $20. Register: 956-9095, 956-5039.

Self-Guided Garden Walking Tour, view more than 50 native Hawaiian and tropical plants and flowers surrounding the Royal Hawaiian hotel in Waikiki. Tour pamphlet available at the hotel's concierge desk. 923-7311.

Send announcements to: Island Life, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax 525-8055; or e-mail with "Home & Garden Cal" in the subject line.