Posted on: Tuesday, November 2, 2004
'Grudge' holds off 'Ray' to stay atop ticket sales
"Ray" took in an impressive $20.1 million, with the highest per-theater average of $10,020 of the Top 12 films this weekend. "Saw," rated R, earned $17.4 million. "Shark Tale" was in fourth place with $8 million, while "Birth" starring Nicole Kidman came in at No. 11 with $1.7 million for its 550 theaters.
A majority of older Americans attend religious services at least twice a month. 37 percent of women in their 50s say they are very religious, and such feelings in women increase among older women. Only 28 percent of men report they are very religious. Prayer is the most gratifying spiritual activity for 37 percent of women and 26 percent of men. Almost 22 percent of men in their 50s said "communing with nature" gives the most religious satisfaction, compared with 11 percent of women their age. Information:
From the Hit List in the Oct. 29 issue of Entertainment Weekly:
"Britney says she's taking a break and wants to 'just chill.' What does that mean anyway getting married only once a year? Be our guest!""The Grudge" topped the box office for the second weekend in a row with an estimated $22.4 million, according to "Grudge" barely squeaked by the critically acclaimed Ray Charles biopic "Ray," which has earned Oscar buzz for the uncanny performance by Jamie Foxx.
Older folks keep the faith
AARP the Magazine's November/December issue includes findings of its spirituality survey. Some highlights: