Posted on: Thursday, November 4, 2004
Movie Openings
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Jude Law stars as the title character and Susan Sarandon plays Liz in the movie "Alfie," about an unrepentant cad.
Paramount Pictures via Gannett News Service
• "Alfie": Jude Law's Alfie is smoother and better groomed than the famous 1966 character played by Michael Caine, but he holds the same conviction that he can get away with an indefinite number of simultaneous affairs. Opens tomorrow at Prince Kuhio Stadium Cinemas (Big Island), Makalapua Cinemas (Big Island), Maui Mall Megaplex Cinemas (Maui), Lahaina Wharf Cinemas (Maui), Kahala 8-Plex, Kapolei 16-Plex, Ko'olau 10-Plex, Keauhou 7 Theaters (Big Island), Mililani 14-Plex, Pearlridge West 16-Plex, Ward 16-Plex, Pearl Highlands 12, Dole Cannery 18 Theatres, Windward Stadium 10. (R)
Pixar's "The Incredibles" features superheroes Bob Parr, center, aka Mr. Incredible, and his family, Dash, left, Violet, and Helen, aka, Elastigirl.
Pixar Animation Studios via Gannett News Service
• "The Incredibles": The new Pixar animated comedy combines breakneck comic action with some sly satire about conformity in modern America. The action revolves around a family of former superheroes called back to action. Opens tomorrow at La'ie Cinemas, Maunaloa Town Cinemas (Moloka'i), Prince Kuhio Stadium Cinemas (Big Island), Makalapua Cinemas (Big Island), Maui Mall Megaplex Cinemas (Maui), Front Street Theatres (Maui), Kahala 8-Plex, Kapolei 16-Plex, Koko Marina 8-Plex, Kukui Mall 4-Plex (Maui), Ko'olau 10-Plex, Mililani 14-Plex, Pearlridge West 16-Plex, Ward 16-Plex, Pearl Highlands 12, Dole Cannery 18 Theatres, Windward Stadium 10. (PG)• "Ju-On": From Japan, the horror film that "The Grudge" is based on: Something terrible is going on in a seemingly normal house. Opens tomorrow at Aikahi Twin. (R) Sneak previews:
• "After the Sunset": Saturday 7 p.m. at Maui Mall Megaplex Cinemas (Maui), 7:05 p.m. Kahala 8-Plex and Mililani 14-Plex, 7:30 p.m. Dole Cannery 18 Theatres and Pearl Highlands 12, 7:45 p.m. Kapolei 16-Plex and Ward 16-Plex. (PG-13) • "The Polar Express": Saturday 4 p.m. Kaahumanu 6-Plex (Maui), Ward 16-Plex and Pearl Highlands 12, 4:05 p.m. Mililani 14-Plex. (G)
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