Posted on: Saturday, November 6, 2004
Hawai'i Kai lane changes considered
By Suzanne Roig
Advertiser East Honolulu Writer
Transportation officials are considering expanding the right turn lane off Lunalilo Home Road to two lanes in an effort to ease traffic congestion during morning commutes.
The proposal is at the request of area lawmakers who feel that the community favors this as a simple, easy measure that would make traffic flow more smoothly along Lunalilo Home Road onto Kalaniana'ole Highway.
No plans have been written, nor cost amounts assessed, according to state Department of Transportation officials. Financing would still have to be approved by the state Legislature during the upcoming session.
"We're looking at things that we might be able to do that won't be a burden on resources or get people down in 'Aina Haina angry at us," said Sen. Sam Slom, R-8th (Kahala, Hawai'i Kai).
Traffic has become an issue in Hawai'i Kai with the slew of new homes and new residents. At community meetings, residents repeatedly complain about it and how the year-old tree-lined median down parts of Lunalilo Home Road is only making traffic worse because it narrowed the roadway.
There are four main ways to get out of Hawai'i Kai Lunalilo Home Road, Keahole Street, Hawai'i Kai Drive and Kawaihae Street. In the mornings, these streets are all congested, said Chuck Johnson, a Hawai'i Kai resident. At both Hawai'i Kai Drive and Keahole Street there are two right turn lanes heading toward town. Still cars stack up waiting for the lights to change, he said.
"Anything they can do to get people onto the highway is good," Johnson said. "At least they're thinking in the direction of moving traffic."
In the past lawmakers have considered extending the high-occupancy vehicle lane from its present starting point, past Niu Valley Shopping Center to Keahole Street. Residents, however, objected because it would make turning left from the Koko Head-bound lanes into many communities impossible.
"The roads back up so much now," Slom said. "Part of its because of the new residents and the tree median. It's like a water pipe, if you make the diameter bigger, you'll have a great flow. I don't see the negatives for this project."
Reach Suzanne Roig at or 395-8831.