Well-drained soil key to growing eggplants in Island environments
By Jari Sugano
Home gardeners in Hawai'i love growing eggplants, especially the long-fruited type.
Eggplant is a vegetable that excels in well-drained soil and warm weather.
Long eggplant varieties grown in the past were replaced with new varieties such as Waimanalo Long, Nitta Waimanalo, and other Japanese and Chinese varieties. Filipino-type eggplants are becoming more popular and are regularly available at local farmer's markets and vegetable stands.
Round, green and white eggplant varieties are also easy to grow in backyard and community gardens. Round eggplant varieties include Burpee hybrid, Black Beauty and Stokes. Small rounded varieties such as Money Maker and Lahaina are popular, but rarely available at local garden shops.
If you're looking to grow your own eggplants, apply some sunscreen because it's time to get dirty. The easiest way to start is through transplants or seedlings. Eggplant seedlings can be purchased at your local nursery or garden shop.
Select a site in your garden that receives full sunlight, has excellent drainage and wind protection. To ensure a healthy start, add well-rotted compost with a handful of superphosphate fertilizer or bone meal to the soil. Plants should be spaced about 3 feet apart.
In poor drainage areas, plant on a raised mound to increase air circulation to roots. Water eggplants on a regular basis three to five times a week. When planting on mounds, or in hot, dry areas, water more frequently. Mulch plants to provide uniform soil moisture and weed suppression.
Before fruiting, plants should be staked for support. Apply fertilizers every five to eight weeks during the growing and fruiting season.
After plants no longer produce fruits, branches can be cut back to a foot from the ground level. As new shoots emerge, apply a fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate to stimulate new growth.
Growing healthy plants will minimize pest problems. Spider mites, thrips, tobacco flea beetle, and cercospora leaf spot are common pest problems. Consult your cooperative extension service or garden shop for the latest pest control methods.
Pruning shears are commonly used to clip and harvest eggplants when fruits are plump and shiny. Over-mature fruits will loose their sheen on the rind. Green and white eggplant varieties should be harvested when the fruits are plump and soft to the touch.
Now, fire up the grill, it's time to eat!
Jari Sugano is an extension agent with the University of Hawai'i-Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Reach her at suganoj@ctahr.hawaii.edu.