Posted on: Monday, November 22, 2004
Coming Events
Advertiser Staff
• Pat Bustamante, president and CEO of Pacific LightNet Communications, will speak on "The Carlyle (Group) Bid for Verizon" during tomorrow's meeting of the Rotary Club of Honolulu. Pacific LightNet is the Honolulu-based telecommunications company and Verizon competitor that stands opposed to the Carlyle Group's proposed purchase of Verizon Hawaii. The meeting will be from noon to 1 p.m. at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel's Monarch Room. Fee. Call: Debbie Jenkins, 922-5526.
• Curious about state tax form and other changes for the 2005 season? That — as well as an IRS presentation on estate and gift taxes — will be part of the state Department of Taxation's Year-End Workshop 2004 series beginning tomorrow. Topics also include technical and policy issues and state tax litigation. The statewide workshops, scheduled on Maui, Kaua'i, O'ahu and the Big Island, run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.:
Big Island: tomorrow, Royal Kona Resort's Resolution Room, 75-5852 Ali'i Drive, Kailua,; and Dec. 16, Hawaii Naniloa Resort's Kilohana Room, 93 Banyan Drive, Hilo.
Maui: Dec. 8, Maui Beach Hotel's Elleair Rainbow Room, 170 Ka'ahumanu Ave., Kahului.
Kaua'i: Dec. 13, Radisson Kauai Beach Resort's Orchid Hibiscus Room, 4331 Kaua'i Beach Drive, Lihu'e.
O'ahu: Dec. 15, Ala Moana Hotel's Hibiscus Ballroom, 410 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu.
Fee: $60 and $65; continuing professional education credit available. Information: (808) 587-1786 or
• The Minority Business Development Center of Honolulu offers free weekly orientation sessions to minority business-owners and prospective entrepreneurs. The sessions, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays in the center's offices in Suite 2506, Executive Center, 1088 Bishop St., offer advice on business startups, marketing plans, loans, employee handbooks and access to capital. Free. Reservations: 521-6221.
• A free Computer Boot Camp is offered 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays to small-business owners who want to use computer technology to improve and expand business operations and management. The program is sponsored by the Small Business Resource Center, in partnership with the Small Business Administration, the city Office of Economic Development, Hawai'i Small Business Development Center Network, Hawai'i Women's Business Center and SCORE. The program is open to center clients who attend a center orientation, offered 9 a.m. Tuesdays and 2 p.m. Thursdays at 1041 Nu'uanu Ave., Suite A. Appointments: 522-8130.
• The Hawai'i Kai chapter of Business Network International, a networking organization specializing in business referrals among members, will meet 8 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, 428 Kawaihae St. Public welcome. Information: Reservations: Natalie Iwasa, 395-3233.
• Ala Moana Toastmasters no-host luncheon meetings, with opportunities to improve public- and impromptu-speaking abilities, noon to 1 p.m. Thursdays, Yum Yum Tree restaurant, Ward Centre. Guests welcome. Information: 330-5439.
• The Breakfast Club, a networking organization for small-business owners and professionals, 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at Sizzler Restaurant, Pearlridge. Information: 456-0222.
• The Honolulu Business Network, a networking organization for small-business owners and professionals, meets 12:01 to 1:15 p.m. Thursdays at Sansei Seafood Restaurant, Restaurant Row. Information: Tracy Nakashima, 525-6028.
• Apple Macintosh OS X operating system lecture, demonstration and question-and-answer session — for "PC-switchers," new and experienced Mac users, and those who want to sharpen MacIntosh skills — noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays, MacMouse ClubHouse, 627 South St., Kaka'ako. Free; no reservations needed. Information: 921-8294; or e-mail
• Motivational and inspirational speaker Beth Terry will give a talk titled "Managing the Madness: How to Get Through the Hectic, Hairy Last 30 Days of 2004 Without Losing It!"at the annual holiday dinner Nov. 30 of the Sales and Marketing Executives of Honolulu. The buffet dinner is scheduled 5:30 (no-host cocktails) to 8:30 p.m., at the Sheraton Moana Hotel, Grand Salon and Terrace. Reservations by Wednesday; guests welcome. Fee. Information: 537-1158. Reservation form and sign-up:
Business meetings of general interest are listed in the "Coming Events" column each Monday. Submit notices at least two weeks in advance: Business Events, Business Section, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; faxed to 525-6763, or e-mailed to (For e-mailed releases, please include information in the body of the message, not as an attachment.)