Posted on: Monday, November 22, 2004
For the Environment
Advertiser Staff
POUHALA MARSH RESTORATION The Hawai'i Nature Center is cleaning up and restoring the marsh, the largest remaining wetland habitat in Pearl Harbor. Volunteers are needed to pull pickleweed from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Dec. 4. Bring work gloves, water, hat, sunscreen, towel and change of clothes; covered footwear and long pants required. To sign up, contact Pauline Kawamata at 955-0100, Ext. 18. EXPLORE & PROTECT HALEAKALA Volunteers are needed for a three-night service trip to plant native species in Haleakala Crater, sponsored by the Friends of Haleakala National Park. Participants will hike into the crater Dec. 3, stay at Kapalaoa Cabin and hike out Dec. 6. Volunteers must be prepared to hike up to 6 miles per day. Reservations are required; call Farley Jacob at (808) 248-7660. ALA WAI HARBOR CLEANUP Help the Sierra Club make the harbor a point of pride and foster the return of sea life by using scoopers and nets to gather flotsam and jetsam. Volunteers should meet at 8 a.m. Dec. 11 at the Harbor Master's Office. Wear sturdy shoes with gripping soles and bring a hat, thick rubber gloves, sunscreen and water. Contact Deborah Blair at 737-0168. GIVE PEACE GARDEN A CHANCE Volunteers of all ages are welcome to plant native plants and maintain grounds at the Millennium Peace Garden from 3 to 6 p.m. Dec. 11. The garden, at the corner of 18th Avenue and Diamond Head Road, was created by 750 students from 103 countries in 1999 as one of the activities of the Millennium Young People's Congress. Materials will be provided, but volunteers should wear shoes. For more information, e-mail or call Sean Casey at 780-7326. WORK WITH THE FISHES The Waikiki Aquarium has volunteer opportunities for School Support Program docents, Edge of the Reef interpreters, Monk Seal Program assistants, aquarist assistants, gift shop staff and more. Call the aquarium's volunteer coordinator at 923-9741.
HAZARDOUS WASTE DROPOFF Friday is the deadline to make appointments for the next household hazardous waste drop-off on Dec. 4. Call 692-5411 or e-mail to schedule an appointment. Before calling, take an inventory of the type and quantity of materials. The following materials are among a long list that will be accepted: acetone, arsenic, herbicides, kerosene, lighter fluid, mercury, paint stripper and thinner, rust remover, swimming pool chemicals and wood preservatives. For more information, check FAMILY FULL-MOON TIDEPOOL EXPLORATION Explore South Maui tidepools with marine educators from the Pacific Whale Foundation's Ocean Science Discovery Center from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Recommended for kids ages 6 to 12. Wear sturdy footwear, bring flashlight; hot cocoa and cookies served. The cost is $15 per family or $10 for a parent and child. To register, call (808) 244-8391. HOLIDAY PLANT SALE The Lyon Arboretum Association's Annual Holiday Plant and Craft Sale will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 4 at Manoa Elementary School. Two new 'ohi'a plants will be introduced: the red-and-yellow Queen Lili'uokalani, and the maroon-and-orange Sleeping Beauty. For more information, call 988-0464. OCEAN VIEW COMPOSTING CLASS Recycle Hawai'i will present a composting workshop at 1 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Ocean View Community Center in Ocean View. A free Presto Composter will be given to participating families. To register, call (808) 969-2012. TOUR DE TRASH Sign up for a "Tour de Trash" bus tour of O'ahu's trashier side, provided by the City and County of Honolulu's Refuse Division. The "Recycling and Waste Processors" tour, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Dec. 11, starts and finishes at Kapolei Hale and visits the H-POWER waste-to-energy plant, the Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill, Hawaiian Earth Products, Hawai'i Metal Recycling, and Lenox Metals. Participants must show up 15 minutes before departure time. Call 692-5410 to register; for tour schedules and details, check the Web at To list your environmental event, send details to "For the Environment," P.O. Box 156, Wailuku, HI 96793; fax (808) 242-1520; or e-mail