Getting a raise requires strategy and homework
By David Lyman
Detroit Free Press
You deserve it.
But don't kid yourself. That won't be enough to get you a raise. Not this year.
Corporate America is pleading poverty. Penny-pinching is the office norm. Businesses have laid off tens of thousands of workers.
If you want a raise, you're going to have to give the boss a nudge to make it happen.
But how do you do it? What do you say?
"You've got to be ready to answer the question 'What have you done for me lately?' " said John Patricolo, executive vice president of professional services for the Southfield, Mich., office of Right Management Consultants, a global consulting firm.
It seems simple. But be careful how you answer. It's not enough to say that you've worked there for 10 years, that you've been loyal and devoted yourself to the success of the company. That's what companies expect.
So what would do the trick?
"You've got to demonstrate to your boss how you made money for the company," said Patricolo. "And you can do that in lots of ways. Maybe you've saved money or created efficiencies or streamlined processes."
Here are 10 steps you should take before you walk through the boss's door:
1. Decide to do it: Don't procrastinate. Most people never get past complaining to colleagues and loved ones. You won't get a raise unless you stick out your neck.
2. Prepare: Analyze what you've accomplished in the past year. Write it down. Be specific and don't be afraid to toot your own horn. No one else will do it for you. This is very hard for most people, but it's essential. Have you gone above and beyond what's been expected? Write it down. Been part of a productive team project? Write it down. Don't presume that the boss knows what you do all the time.
3. Rehearse: And rehearse a lot. This is possibly the most important and most overlooked step. Know what you want to say to the boss and practice saying it out loud. It's one thing to make your pitch in your mind. It's totally different when it's time for get those same words out of your mouth. Practice on a couple of friends and invite them to grill you the way the boss might.
4. Don't tip your hand: When you're setting up an appointment, don't say "Hey, can we get together to talk about a raise?" It's not an employer's favorite topic. You may get the appointment, but it'll only be so the boss can hear you out before saying no. Instead, ask if you could get together for 15-20 minutes to discuss a couple of things.
5. Pick your time: Midweek is best. Do it on Monday or Friday and you'll get lost in the inevitable rush that surrounds the beginning and the end of the week. As for the best time, it varies from boss to boss. Be observant. When is your boss in the best mood? Generally, you should avoid immediately after lunch or the end of the workday. Early afternoon is sleepy time. And at the end of the day, your boss wants to leave as much as you do.
6. Dress correctly: One size does not fit all in this area. The key is to be yourself. Don't get too dressy. But you might think about ratcheting it up a notch with a better-than-average shirt or skirt. If yours is a casual office, don't wear the Armani. It adds a layer of discomfort to an already uncomfortable situation. You want to be relaxed.
7. Money isn't the only thing: Don't limit yourself. Some people would rather have more vacation time than more money. Or how about a tweak to your benefits? Maybe a one-time payment into your 401(k). Maybe an agreement to use the company tickets for a few major sporting events, use of a company car or being able to work at home one day a week. Ideally, this is a negotiation, not a list of demands. So if it looks like money is out of the question, be prepared to toss other things onto the table.
8. Be diplomatic: Fewer than 1 percent of people who ask for a raise get it right away, said CareerBuilder's Haefner. This meeting may raise your profile with the boss, which can result in a raise later. Better for him to ponder a raise than to turn it down right away. Suggest that you talk again in a week or two. And be sure to set a time and a date.
9. Avoid ultimatums: Don't threaten to quit unless you're prepared to. Pressure is not the best way to achieve an agreement, especially when you're not the one with the clout.
10. Be realistic: Know that you might not get the raise. Don't stake all of your future happiness on getting more money. It's possible that the only way you'll make more money may be to work for another company.