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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, October 4, 2004

Swimming, yoga essential for man's well-being

By Paula Rath
Advertiser Staff Writer

Rob Kay is a communicator and entrepreneur who describes himself as "an artist in a businessman's body."

Rob Kay practices yoga two to three times a week and says it's a regular part of his lifestyle.

Eugene Tanner • The Honolulu Advertiser

A former journalist, he has written travel books on Fiji and Tahiti for the Lonely Planet series. He is a public-relations man with local and Mainland clients. He occasionally freelances for Mainland publications; his most recent piece was a story on Hawai'i real estate for the Wall Street Journal. He also participates in the FELLOWS tutoring program at Wai'alae Elementary School.

His fitness regimen includes swimming and yoga, both of which nourish his mind, body and soul, he said.

Name: Rob Kay.

Age: 52.

Profession: Public-relations man and writer

Height: 5 feet 6.

Weight: 140 pounds.

Workout habits: "Swim about six days a week at Kaimana Beach. Iyengar Yoga practice two or three days a week. Walk once a week or so around Diamond Head."

When and why I started working out: "I've been working out regularly since my college days, but started doing yoga seriously in San Francisco back in '89. This improved my mental/physical state from the get-go. Body and mind maintenance were the chief reasons I began yoga; it became a regular part of my lifestyle. When I came to Hawai'i a little over 10 years ago, the first thing I did was scope out a good place to do yoga and found Silent Dance Center in Mo'ili'ili.

Rob Kay has recently been practicing yoga at the Manoa Yoga Center. He says it is one of the best things he's ever done.

Eugene Tanner • The Honolulu Advertiser

"Of late I've started to practice at Manoa Yoga Center, which just opened up a few months ago at Manoa Marketplace. The quality of instruction there is terrific, and the classes are small, which allows for a lot of personal attention.

My good foods/bad foods: "My food regimen is pretty boring but generally healthy. Lots of vegetables, pasta, salads, fresh fruit, cheese, green tea, legumes and whole grains. Occasional fish and chicken, but very little red meat. I try to stay away from fast food, Coke, doughnuts, etc. I like wine (that's food, right?) cookies and ice cream."

My biggest motivator: "Maintaining the temple. We've only got so much time on the planet. Might as well have the best quality of life possible and stay away from the doctor's office."

What saves my sanity: "Yoga and swimming really help de-stress my 19th-century nervous system. Yoga is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Swimming, meditation and yoga are really essential for my well-being. You can't really separate mind and body. After a swim at Kaimana, I'm a new man. The day's problems are dissipated in the warm waters."

My next challenge: "I'm starting to increase my swimming sessions ... to a mile every session. I need to meditate more often, too."

Advice for those in the same boat: "You need to make time for your workout. It's hard, because there's always an excuse not to do it. You need to be disciplined, but you don't need to be a super-jock to benefit from regular exercise."