Kona families find housing after fire
By Kevin Dayton
Advertiser Big Island Bureau
HILO, Hawai'i — A Kona family whose unit was gutted by a fire in the La'ilani Apartments in Kailua was moved into a new unit in the same complex yesterday, but the cause of Monday's fire is still under investigation.
Napua Kekauoha-Chartrand, administrative assistant for the complex, said the building where the fire started must be torn down and reconstructed. One of the eight units in the building was gutted, but the other units had water and smoke damage.
Family members who lived in the unit where the fire started said it began in a bedroom.
Officials with the state-run housing complex at 74-984 Manawale'a St. placed all eight families that were displaced by the fire in vacant units elsewhere in the complex.
Kekauoha-Chartrand said donations are being accepted for family members who lost their belongings in the fire. The family that suffered the most damage needs clothes for the children, including two boys ages 1 and 2, and three girls ages 5, 7 and 14.
Donations can be made at the apartment complex or by calling the manager's office at 327-4997 to make arrangements.
Reach Kevin Dayton at kdayton@honoluluadvertiser.com or (808) 935-3916.