Posted on: Thursday, October 7, 2004
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By Robbie Dingeman
Advertiser Staff Writer
Q. When and where should people place their city trash bins for pick-up? I live in Waipi'o and I have noticed that some residents place their trash bins on the street to prevent people from parking in front of their houses, sometimes leaving them on the street for two or three days. This forces us to park farther away in an area where I have had two cars stolen and one vandalized.
A. City officials ask residents to put out their trash bins no earlier than 6 p.m. the night before a pick-up day. David Shiraishi, Ho-nolulu refuse collection administrator, said people who put the big gray containers out earlier can get a citation, similar to a parking ticket.
But Shiraishi suggests you and anyone else with such a complaint call the refuse supervisor for your area to discuss the problem. Sometimes people do get cited, other times they may be placing the cans out so that cars don't block the bins (another source of complaints). He suggests people place their bins in the driveway where no one should block access.
The numbers to call are in the government pages of the telephone book. They are: Honolulu 523-4424; 'Aiea-Pearl City-'Ewa 455-9644 or 455-8502; Kailua 262-7298; Lai'e 293-5657; Wahiawa-Mililani 621-5241; Hale'iwa-Waialua 637-4795; and Wai'anae 696-3421.
Q. The October 2003 bus fare increase included a provision that qualified low-income riders would get a break and pay the current monthly bus rate. When is this provision going to be implemented?
A. City spokeswoman Carol Costa said she can't say when the low-income monthly rate of $30 instead of $40 will begin. She said the city has to ask people to show some proof of their low-income status. When city transportation officials began that planning, they realized that college students would qualify for the cost break. She said the administration has gone back to the council to find out if members intended those students to receive the cheaper passes. Costa said officials will discuss the issue next month.
Streetlight update
Several readers have written or called to say they're happy with the quick response of the city's streetlight crews when burned-out lights are reported. A reader points out that the same office responds to complaints about lights that stay on during the day. People can also call to report those lights at 564-6113.
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