Lit Beat
Advertiser Staff
"Aloha Shorts," weekly radio show, 5 p.m. Mondays, on Hawai'i Public Radio station KIPO 89.3 with host Cedric Yamanaka. This week several poetry selections from Eric Chock are read by Jason Kanda. 955-8821.
Advertiser books editor Wanda Adams reviews and writes about locally written and published works and books of significant local interest. To bring a book to her attention, send the volume, along with contact information and any pertinent background, to her at The Honolulu Advertiser, 605 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Preference is given to books in wide distribution.
Readings from Bamboo Ridge's 25th Anniversary Issue, contributors read from their work, 7 p.m. Monday, UH-Manoa Campus Center ballroom; free. 626-1481.
Got a book of local interest?
Common Book Project, community-wide reading of Eric Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation," and series of talks on related topics, this week Brook Gramann and Gloria Garvey talk about fast-food advertising, 7 p.m. Wednesday and Dr. Alan Titchernal talks about guilt-free fast food, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Windward Community College, Hale Akoakoa, Room 105; free. 235-7338,
Year of the University Press, series of events on book publishing begins with a symposium, "Sea-change in Scholarly Publishing," noon-1:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, with panel discussions, "Survival of the Scholarly Monograph," on Tuesday, "Scholarly Journals," on Wednesday and "Changing Landscapes of Scholarly Publishing," on Thursday; UH-Manoa Hamilton Library, Eugene Yap Room, Room A153; free. 956-2540.
Cades Library Book Sale, art and other books at reduced prices, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, The Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights; $5 general admission, $3 for students and seniors. 526-1322.
Roberta Wong, author of "Hawaiian Lei in Crochet," signs her book and gives a demonstration of her technique, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. today, Hawai'i Woman Expo, Blaisdell Center, at the Borders Express, Windward Mall table. Also, children's book authors, Kimo Armitage at 10 a.m.-noon and Tammy Yee, noon-2 p.m., sign their works; $5 admission for Expo.
Raelynn Hillhouse signs her book, "Rift Zone," 12:3-1:30 p.m. Friday, Bestsellers, Bishop Square. 528-2378.
Bonnie Louise Kuchler, author of "One Heart: Universal Wisdom from the World's Scriptures," signs her book, noon-1 p.m. Saturday, Borders Express (formerly Waldenbooks), Mililani Town Center, 623-2138. Also, 2-3 p.m., Borders Express (formerly Waldenbooks), Pearlridge. 488-9488.
The Lizard Loft seeks applications for the "24 on 24" playwriting competition. Teams of a writer, director and at least two actors (writer/director may be one person, but they cannot act in their play) will have 24 hours to write, direct and perform a short play for prizes. Teams must attend a 7 p.m. orientation meeting Sept. 23 and be available to write and perform the play on Sept. 24 and 25. Deadline for team applications is Wednesday. Additional requirements by calling 536-8047 or visiting
Hawai'i Review seeks submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translation and graphic art for UH-Manoa's literary journal. Send work, through the end of September, to Hawai'i Review, Attn.: Editor, UH-Manoa, Dept. of English, 1733 Donaghho Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. 956-3030.
O'ahu Arts Center seeks submissions of fiction, nonfiction and poetry for its 2004 Writing Contest for cash awards. For guidelines and rules call 627-1079 or e-mail Entry fee is $10 per submission. Deadline is Nov. 15.
For Keiki
Literacy Through Arts Program, for children 4-18 years, 6:30-8 p.m. Wednesdays and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays, Waimanalo Public and School Library; free. 259-2610.
Announcements to with "Lit Beat" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.
Correction: Authors Kimo Armitage and Tammy Yee signed books last Sunday at Borders Express at Kahala Mall. The location for their book signings was incorrectly stated in a previous version of this story.