Enough already
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In "100 Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive," authors Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat included on their list: knowing when enough is enough (it was No. 26).
The Brussats cite Lao Tzu, quoted in "The Tao of Peace:" Great trouble comes from not knowing what is enough. Great conflict arises from wanting too much. When we know when enough is enough, there will always be enough."
The authors challenge readers: "Compile a list of excesses in your life possessions, behaviors, ideas. Which could you do without?"
Save the planet
Butts top list of trash
Careless disposal of trash in marine environments is not only an eyesore, it can pose threats to people and wildlife. Every September, volunteers from 100 countries participate in the International Coastal Cleanup, sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy (this year's cleanup was held earlier this month).
Cigarettes and cigarette filters top the list of debris items collected last year. This is followed by food wrappers and containers; caps and lids; plastic beverage bottles; and bags. For more information, see