Posted on: Saturday, April 23, 2005
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By Willis H.A. Moore
Pope Benedict XVI has his hands full. People of faith are questioning, "Full of what?"
The last half of the 20th century was a time where form outweighed substance. John Paul II understood this. He took the papacy on a road show ... and the popemobile was a theatrical touch rarely equaled on Broadway. People prefer "something (or someone) tangible, rather than an abstract 'god.' "
Protestants have a challenge in claiming, "Jesus Christ is head of the church," while Roman Catholics have a real live person claiming to be the vicar of Christ on earth.
John Paul II had a good death, and led by example in showing the world that life is a gift of God and that death is a part of the journey. He may be remembered for three positive things:
• His emphasis on the sanctity of life came to include war; his Vatican opposed war, rather than quibbling about "just war." • He went further than any predecessor in making amends to the Jewish people for anti-semitism, for not being involved against the Holocaust, and for erasing the knotty notion that "the Jews killed Jesus." Let's hope Ratzinger's Vatican will be accepting and open. • He got it right in opposing capitalism, especially as manifested in America, insisting capitalism is fundamentally based on greed (which it is!) and that this is contrary to the teaching of Christ. There was, however, another side of John Paul II.
It is said John Paul II read theology. Unfortunately, like fundamentalists of all types, he considered himself in possession of "truth" and any opinions contrary to his were to be set aside or made to conform with his views. Thus the pope's years were solidly on the side of the theological status quo.
John Paul II said early in his papacy that any discussion of women in ordained ministry would not happen, and it did not happen.
John Paul II's insistence that condoms are always wrong has condemned millions to living with HIV/AIDS and dying from same. His was an old belief that birth control is wrong, condoms are wrong and lead to sexual promiscuity.
Perhaps the largest blot was his failure to understand what was happening in the American church with the priestly sex abuse scandal. Even the bankrupting of some U.S. dioceses did not turn on any lights in John Paul II's head. The Vatican's inviting Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston to a prestigious position in Rome is unbelievable!
Finally, kudos should go to John Paul II for his visit to Cuba and to Fidel Castro. However, his reaching out to connect with youth and others usually amounted to admonitions for an unchanged and unchangeable church.
We learned he thought about resigning. There is an urgent need to retire the pope at age 80, not just prevent the "geezers" from voting on a new pope! Ratzinger is 78.
Benedict XVI was known as "Rasputin" in the Curia, enforcing doctrinal purity, and will surely be the last "G.I. generation" pope. Based on his persona and known activities, I am not hopeful for progress into the 21st century.
Willis H.A. Moore is a church organist and member of St. Paul's Episcopal/Philippine Independent Church.