Posted on: Monday, April 25, 2005
Hawai'i needs funding to combat coqui frogs
It is difficult to understand how the U.S. Department of Agriculture could not approve a $9 million grant to fight and eradicate the noisy and pesky coqui frog on the Big Island.
Hawai'i is engaged in a crucial environmental fight to rid the Islands of costly, damaging alien species and to save our many endangered species.
That battle takes resources, and Hawai'i simply cannot fight it alone.
The coqui frogs come from the Caribbean. They are now on the Big Island, Maui, O'ahu and Kaua'i. Officials say the infestation is already so bad that eradication is a realistic goal just for O'ahu and Kaua'i.
The coqui frog has an extremely loud chirping call at night, and the noise can be deafening when there are large numbers of frogs. The problem is particularly widespread on the Big Island.
The time to act is now, before the problem worsens. We need to eradicate these pests where we can and continue to downsize the populations elsewhere.
The state Legislature must approve funding for the state's eradication efforts.
We hope our congressional delegation can step in and use its persuasive powers to get far-off Washington to understand the seriousness of the problem here and join in the fight.