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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Friday, August 12, 2005

Dick Evans cycling race, cardio lessons, Dolphin Dash on tap

Advertiser Staff


The Dick Evans Memorial Road Race, a 112-mile cycling race around O'ahu, is Sept. 11.

The race begins at 5:45 a.m. at the Kalama Valley Shopping Center in Hawai'i Kai. Cost for the race is $65 per person, $30 for juniors ages 14 to 17. Registration deadline is Sept. 9.

Participants can register online at www.active.com or www.trimoving.com/dickevans.

Volunteers are also needed for the aid stations around O'ahu.

For details, contact Barry Sullivan at 599-3811, ext. 518 or sulli van@bds.com or Gay Murakami at gaymurakami@yahoo.com.



Free hour-long cardio tennis clinics will be offered by the U.S. Tennis Association/Hawai'i Pacific Section Aug. 20 to Sept. 11.

Cardio tennis is a group activity featuring drills to give players a way to get and stay in shape. Cardio Tennis includes warm-up, cardio workout and cool-down phases. Participants consistently elevate heart rates into their aerobic training zone.

The clinics are at Ala Moana Park, Asing Community Park ('Ewa Beach), Kailua District Park, Kane'ohe District Park, Koko Head District Park (Hawai'i Kai), Mililani District Park, and Pearlridge Community Park ('Aiea).

Clinics will become part of the USA Tennis Lesson programs starting Sept. 26. The cost will be $30 for six 1-hour classes.

Call 955-6696 ext. 29 or 26 to register.



The 11th Dolphin Dash, hosted by Hilton Waikoloa Village, is scheduled for Aug. 28 on the Big Island.

The event is a benefit for the Pacific Marine Life Foundation and Hawai'i Shriners Hospital for Children.

The two races, a 5-kilometer fun run/walk or 10K run, begin at 8 a.m. at the Waikoloa Village's Ocean Terrace. There also is a Little Dolphin Dash for youths 12 and younger.

Entry fee is $30 for the 10K race, $25 for the 5K fun/walk and $15 for the Little Dolphin Dash. Entry deadline is Aug. 25.

For details, contact the Hilton Waikoloa Village at (808) 886-1234, ext. 2605 or visit www.dol phindays.com.


The fourth annual Runner's Paradise Front Street Mile is scheduled for 3 p.m., Sept. 17 in Lahaina, Maui.

The event features open and masters, elite men as well as age divisions for non-elite runners. Men who have run 4:05 or under for the mile or 3:45 or under for 1,500 meters can enter the elite race.

For details, contact Rudy Huber at (808) 877-5300 or e-mail: runnersparadise@verizon.net.

Applications are available online at www.mauimarathon.com or virr.com.



The Dillingham Ranch All-Stars meet at Hawai'i Polo Inn at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Mokule'ia polo field as part of the Hawai'i Polo Club's Salsa Sunday series.

Gates to the polo club open at 11 a.m. for picnics, tailgating and swimming.

Rolando Sanchez will perform at 5 p.m.

Admission for the concert and polo is $7. Children are free. Military can get 2-for-1 admission with identification.

For details, call the Hawai'i Polo Club at 637-8401.