Posted on: Sunday, February 13, 2005
Neutered pets often healthier
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Xiao Gou, right, adopted from the Hawaiian Humane Society, lazes around at a recent "Tuxes & Tails" benefit with spaniel J.J. Ulawaiali'i, also part of his adopted family. Both dogs are part of the humane society's pet visitation program.
Hawaiian Humane Society |
Hawaiian Humane Society
In an effort to curtail pet overpopulation, humane societies and veterinarians across the country have joined together to ask pet owners to sterilize their pets this month.
Last year on O'ahu, more than 6,000 sterilizations were performed by community veterinarians as part of Honolulu's low-cost Neuter Now program. And more pet owners need to consider pet sterilization.
The numbers are staggering. One unneutered cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 kittens in just seven years. A single unaltered dog and her offspring can result in 67,000 puppies in six years.
Purchase of a Neuter Now certificate covers the veterinary exam and surgery, which could otherwise be $200 or more.
Buy a certificate at the Hawaiian Humane Society, satellite city halls, or at (go to Other Programs & Services, Neuter Now, Application Form). Sterilizing a male pet means these cats and dogs will not develop prostate disease. They also are less aggressive and less likely to roam from home. Spraying to mark territory will disappear in nearly all neutered male cats and dogs.
For cats allowed outdoors, sterilization is mandatory. Since 1995, a Honolulu City and County ordinance requires sterilization for all cats over 6 months of age that spend time outdoors.
"Each surgery helped another pet live a longer, happier, healthier life and brings us closer to our goal when every animal has a loving home," says Pamela Burns, president and CEO of the Hawaiian Humane Society.
"This is every animal lover's opportunity to make a difference in their pets' lives and over-population of pets in the community."
For female pets, the procedure reduces the risk of developing life-threatening mammary cancer, and eliminates uterine infections as well as heat cycles.
Neuter Now
Tag No. 51967. He's tan, brown and black with a touch of white. This neutered male cat is about 3 years old. Tom has golden eyes, white "boots" and a sweet disposition. He is ready to go to his new home today.
Tag No. 54637. Here is a German shepherd mix with an expressive face. Lady is a shy adult about 4 years old. A loving family with older kids who will give Lady lots of attention can take her home today she's already spayed.
These animals already may have found homes. The Hawaiian Humane Society and McInerny Dog Park at 2700 Wai'alae Ave. are open daily. For hours, directions, events or to see more pets available for adoption, visit or call 946-2187. Call immediately to report lost or found animals.