Posted on: Friday, February 18, 2005
$500,000 in grants given to 18 schools for repairs
Advertiser Staff
The Hawai'i 3R's has awarded grants to 18 schools totalling $500,000 to make repairs on schools with the help of volunteer partners.
The schools are Aliamanu Elementary and Middle schools, Farrington High School, Highlands Intermediate School, Kahuku Elementary School, Kalihi Waena Elementary School, Kipapa Elementary School, Lahaina Intermediate School on Maui, Lana'i High & Elementary School, Leilehua High School, Maui Waena Elementary School, Mauka Lani Elementary School, McKinley High School, Mililani High School, Mililani Waena Elementary School, Waiakea High School on the Big Island, Waihe'e Elementary School on Maui, and Waimea Middle School on the Big Island.
The grants and the volunteerism should result in repairs worth more than $1.2 million.
Hawai'i 3R's (Repair, Remodel and Restore Hawai'i's public schools) is the work of U.S. Sen. Dan Inouye, who obtained federal money that is matched with volunteerism. The grant also receives funding from the Hawai'i Community Foundation, Campbell Estate and the James and Abigail Campbell Foundation, the AT&T Foundation and the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation.