Be gone, paper clutter!
Advertiser Staff
When financial records pile up, it's time to pare down. The folks at Real Simple magazine suggest you toss the following papers every month:
ATM and bank-deposit slips, after you've recorded the amounts in your check register and checked them against your monthly bank statement.
Credit-card receipts, after you've checked that the item appears correctly on your monthly statement.
Sales receipts for minor purchases, after you've satisfactorily used the items and if they have no warranty.
Put big trash where it belongs
How we hate those eyesores washers, dryers and other large appliances that litter our roadsides. Here's how to properly dispose of your old appliances:
When you purchase a large appliance, arrange for the appliance dealer to remove your old appliance when they deliver your new one.
Or call the city for its bulky item pickup schedule at 523-4685.
You may also drop off your appliances at city convenience centers.
Commercial haulers should deliver directly to the recycling/composting facilities.
For more information, see
President John F. Kennedy | concluding his inaugural address Jan. 20, 1961.
Today is Presidents' Day:
"With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love ..."