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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Saturday, January 1, 2005

Family comes first

Advertiser Staff

Resolved: We will spend more time together as a family. And we can start today, the first day of a new year, with family-friendly activities that will bring a smile to keiki, their parents and grandparents, too.

Water world

One family outing option for New Year's day: The Waikiki Aquarium, open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For a preview, log onto for photos of the marine creatures and to learn more about the watery worlds around us.

A hands-on attraction titled "If These Walls Could Talk: An Exhibit About Buildings" is on tap at Bishop Museum.

The Pearlridge Holiday Train Express for keiki is still on track today and tomorrow at Uptown Center Court.

Kids love to explore the natural world, and although the Honolulu Zoo is closed today, the marine creatures at the Waikiki Aquarium will be just as fascinating to young and old alike.

For a preview, log onto and take a virtual tour of the indoor galleries and the outdoor Edge of the Reef exhibit or learn more about monk seals.

Today's special holiday hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; otherwise, the aquarium is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $9 general; $6 for kama'aina, military, students and senior citizens; $4 for youths 13-17 and persons with disabilities; $2 for juniors 5-12; free for kids 4 and younger.

The address is 2777 Kalakaua Ave. 923-9741.

Building blocks

You have but a few more days to take in "If These Walls Could Talk: An Exhibit About Buildings," a traveling exhibit at the Bishop Museum. It's a hands-on attraction at Castle Hall that makes architecture — its mysteries and marvels — fascinating and understandable to all.

"If These Walls" ends Tuesday. Of course, there are other galleries at the museum, especially for those who want a refresher on the history and culture of these Islands.

The museum, at 1525 Bernice St., is open today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $14.95 general, $11.95 for youths 4-12; $7.95 kama'aina; $6.95 for kama'aina youths 4-12 and military; free for kids under 4. 847-3511.

At the malls

Speaking of Christmas, it's the last weekend of those keiki train rides at Ala Moana Center and Pearlridge.

Ala Moana's Candy Cane Train, a 30-footer, rolls from 10 a.m. today for those 12 and younger. The cost is $6. Ala Moana closes at 7 p.m. today. 955-9517.

The Pearlridge Holiday Train Express is still on track from 10 a.m. today and tomorrow at Uptown Center Court. There's a height limit of 48 inches for the riders. The cost: $3; it's a benefit for the Hawaiian Railway Society. Pearlridge closes at 6 p.m. today. 488-0981.

Still in the spirit

Need we say it one more time? It's the final weekend of the annual Honolulu City Lights display, which is celebrating its 20th year at Honolulu Hale, the surrounding lawn and the downtown corridor. Bring the family, a light sweater and a thermos of eggnog to keep the spirit of the holidays alive. And don't forget the camera, too.

The Christmas tree and wreath exhibits in Honolulu Hale are open until 11 p.m. today and tomorrow. Admission is free.

In the Japanese tradition

Bring the whole family today to Hawaii Kotohira Jinsha — Hawaii Dazaifu Tenmangu, 1239 Olomea St. (off Houghtailing in Kapalama) for Hatsumode 2005, a Japanese tradition that celebrates the new year. The event began at midnight and continues until 2 p.m. with free bowls of ozoni (mochi soup) and traditional Japanese lion dancing. The shrine is open until 5 p.m.

2005 is the Year of the Rooster in the lunar calendar.