Posted on: Monday, January 31, 2005
For the Environment
Advertiser Staff
BLUE WATER RESPONSE TEAM Free training for the Sierra Club's Blue Water Campaign will be 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the humpback whale sanctuary office, 6600 Kalaniana'ole Highway, third-floor conference room. Learn how to spot and document potential water violations. To register, call 537-9019 or e-mail PROTECT NATIVE PLANTS Volunteer to build trails, control invasive plants and do plantings at the Pahole Natural Area Reserve. Reservations required for Saturday's Sierra Club service trip; call Reece Olayvar, 456-3049. KANE'OHE WETLAND PROJECT Volunteers are needed Feb. 12 to help the Sierra Club clear mangrove from a wetland to create habitat for waterbirds at Marine Corps Base Hawai'i, Kane'ohe Bay. Because the base is a secured military facility, volunteers must provide Social Security number in advance and bring a signed waiver. Contact Annette Kaohelauli'i at 235-5431 or MARSH RESTORATION The Hawai'i Nature Center is restoring the Pouhala Marsh wetland habitat in Pearl Harbor. Volunteers are needed to pull pickleweed from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Feb. 12. Bring work gloves, water, hat, sunscreen, towel and change of clothes; covered footwear and long pants required. To sign up, contact Pauline Kawamata at 955-0100, Ext. 18. KAWAI NUI TOUR Rick Barboza of Hui Ku Maoli Ola plant nursery will conduct a tour of Kawai Nui Marsh plants from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, with visits to Ulupo Heiau and Na Pohaku O Hauwahine, site of native plant restoration projects. Car-pooling and walking is involved; tour ends at Hui Ku Maoli Ola in Waimanalo, where plants can be purchased. A $5 donation is requested; tour limited to 25. For reservations, call Chuck Burrows at 595-3922 or e-mail TOUR DE TRASH A free Construction & Demolition bus tour on O'ahu, part of the city Refuse Division's Tour de Trash program, will run 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 17. Tour begins and ends at Kapolei Hale. Participants must show up 15 minutes prior to departure time. Call 692-5410 to register; for details, check