Posted on: Friday, July 8, 2005
Posted on: Friday, July 8, 2005
Posted on: Friday, July 8, 2005
'Fantastic Four' only ho-hum heroes
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The reviews are in, and they're harsh to lukewarm. Now it's up to comic-book fans to decide at the box office. Here's what the movie critics say:
David Germain, Associated Press: " 'Fantastic Four' got there first, developing the concept of superheroes as a dysfunctional family four decades ago. But 'The Incredibles' did it far, far better on the big screen."
Chris Hewitt, Knight Ridder News Service: "Instead of the serious approach of 'Batman Begins' or the pulpy one of 'Spider-Man 2,' 'Fantastic Four' wants to be a silly, jokey superhero movie. Except that it's not very funny."
Tom Long, Detroit News: "If any comic book series ever deserved better, it's 'Fantastic Four,' the original Marvel sensation. There is one glaring exception the actors cast in the starring roles shine (you could even say one's on fire). Please, Hollywood, please: Don't abandon this franchise. Just find the right people to run it."
Roger Moore, Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel: "Fantastic? Naaah. But cute, occasionally funny. And never ever for one brief instant is 'Fantastic Four' serious. In this, the summer of our discontent, it'll do. Here's a comic-book movie that knows its origins, that understands its place. No big message. No brooding Bruce Wayne. No weight of the world, shadowy forces of evil. ... 'Four' is just a popcorn popper, a cinematic sugar buzz. And blessedly so."
Chris Vognar, Dallas Morning News: "Rarely terrible, let alone memorable, it's a brutally average piece of disposable summer entertainment that fades from the mind like some hazy, half-sleeping dream. The heroes are bland. The action is minimal. The story is thinner than fantastic in mid-stretch."