Praise God from sunset to sundown
By Orlando Tumacder
"Praise the Lord for it is good to sing praises to our God." (Psalms 147:1)
Throughout the Bible, we find people singing praise to God. After the Israelites passed through the parted waters of the Red Sea with Moses leading them, they sang a song of praise. Their response to God's miraculous deliverance was loud, exuberant singing.
King David was not only a mighty warrior but a gifted musician and songwriter. We find him and the Israelites playing music with all kinds of instruments. Even more, David praised God with dancing, leaping and whirling! Apostles Peter and John, upon seeing a man lame from birth, commanded him to walk. Instantly, he was healed. What was his response to God's healing power? He went walking, leaping and praising God. In Revelations, we find heaven is full of worship and praise. A vast multitude of heavenly beings surround God's throne, continually giving him glory, honor and praise.
I, too, often have had reason to praise God. Over the years he has blessed me in marvelous and even miraculous ways: answering desperate prayers, meeting financial needs, and comforting me in times of crisis. Truly he has been faithful. Singing a song of praise, whether with the congregation on a Sunday morning or by myself while driving on the freeway, is a means of expressing my gratitude and love.
I've also learned to praise him in the midst of a trial, when singing a joyful song is the last thing on my mind. It seems unreasonable to give God praise during the storms of life, when our hearts are heavy and there is no respite from our doubts and fears. Yet praise is more than a response to something wonderful that God has done; it is an acknowledgement of who he is and always will be our provider deliverer, healer and friend. Therefore, I praise him at all times, regardless of how I feel, no matter what difficulties I'm facing. I don't withhold praise until I've received a blessing. I praise him because he is God and is worthy of praise.
Paul and Silas were beaten, chained and thrown into prison because they cast demons out of a young girl. Instead of getting angry or disillusioned over their treatment, they, in the midnight hour, began singing hymns to God. Then the prison was shaken by an earthquake and their chains fell off. We also need to lift our voices in praise during the darkest moments of our lives.
From the rising of the sun to its going down, let's praise him. Because he is good and his mercies endure forever, let's come before him with singing. With gladness and gratitude, let's exalt him, for he is great and greatly to be praised.
Orlando Tumacder is a layperson at Grace Bible Church.