For the Environment
Advertiser Staff
CRATER SERVICE TRIP The Friends of Haleakala National Park is sponsoring a two-night service trip Thursday-Saturday to remove telegraph plants at the crater's Kapalaoa Cabin. Call (808) 248-7660.
MAUI FOREST RESTORATION The Maui Dryland Forest Restoration Group's next workday is 8 a.m.-4 p.m. July 21. Volunteers and four-wheel-drive vehicles needed. Meet at 'Ulupalakua Ranch Store. Hiking boots that cover the ankles are required; clean all gear and boots of dirt that may carry seeds. Bring rain gear, water, lunch, sunscreen, hat. Register by July 19 at auwahi or (808) 572-4471.
MAKIKI WAI HELPERS The state Department of Land and Natural Resources and Hawai'i Nature Center need volunteers on July 23 to make trail improvements, remove weeds and plant native plants along a Makiki trail as part of the Makiki watershed awareness initiative. Water, gloves and tools provided; bring long pants and long-sleeve shirt, shoes or boots, insect repellent and lunch. Meet at the Makiki Forestry Baseyard at 9 a.m. Call 973-9782, or see =OA+19+004&island=Oahu.
HALEAKALA VOLUNTEERS The next Laulima o Haleakala drop-in workday is 9 a.m.-noon Saturday. Projects include non-native species removal, weeding of planters and trash pickup. Appropriate for age 6 and up. Meet at summit maintenance yard at 9 a.m.; wear long pants and closed-toe shoes, and bring rain gear, sunscreen, hat, layered clothing, water and lunch. Reservations required for groups of six or more. Contact the Haleakala Volunteer Program office at or (808) 572-4487.
WINDWARD WORKDAY The Windward Ahupua'a Alliance and 'Ahahui Malama I Ka Lokahi are sponsoring the Great Kapa'a Valley & Kawai Nui Marsh Community Stewardship Workday, 8:30-11:45 a.m. July 30. Volunteers ages 11 and up are needed to help with check-in, operate a hospitality tent, pick up litter on the quarry road, clear the marsh view plane, plant native plants, and drive trucks to pick up bagged trash. Wear close-toed shoes with gripping soles, long-sleeved shirts, insect repellent, sunscreen, and a hat; breakfast, lunch, water and snacks provided, along with gloves and trash bags. Advance registration required: 247-6366, 223-5535, or
MANOA FALLS TRAIL WORK The Sierra Club needs volunteers to move 100 tons of gravel onto the Manoa Falls Trail. Saturday workdays are Aug. 6 and 21, Sept. 3 and 18, Oct. 1 and 23. Meet at 8 a.m. at Church of the Crossroads, 2510 Bingham St., to car pool. Work ends by 2 p.m., and refreshments follow. Contact Randy Ching at 942-0145 or
KANE'OHE WETLAND PROJECT Volunteers are needed Aug. 13 to help the Sierra Club clear a wetland of mangrove to create habitat for endangered water birds at Marine Corps Base Hawai'i. Because the base is a secured military facility, volunteers must provide name and Social Security number in advance and bring a signed waiver. Call Annette Kaohelauli'i at 235-5431.
MORNING TRAIL SWEEPERS Lyon Arboretum in Manoa seeks early morning walkers to hike the arboretum trails, clearing debris. Call volunteer coordinator Donna Schult at 988-0464. The arboretum also has volunteer work-party days on the first, third and fourth Saturdays of each month.
WEED & POT CLUB The Maui Nui Botanical Garden's Weed & Pot Club meets 8:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesdays at 150 Kanaloa Ave. in Kahului to work on nursery plants and perform beautification and maintenance work. Tools, gloves and drinking water provided; bring sunscreen; wear shoes.
For a free listing, write to For the Environment, P.O. Box 156, Wailuku, HI 96793;; or fax (808) 242-1520.