Faith Calendar
Advertiser Staff
"He Launa Pu Kakou (Together in Fellowship)," 34th annual lu'au, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. today for takeout meals ($15) or 5:30 p.m. today for sit-down dinner ($30), Kaumakapili Church. 845-0908.
"Character Is Kindness," a talk by Pastor Ron Ching, 6-7 p.m. today, Central Union Church women's building. 440-3007.
"Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs," piano duets by Alsbrooks Smith Jr. and Barbara Chong Gossard, 10:15 a.m. tomorrow, Waiokeola Congregational Church, Kahala. 737-0541.
"Called to Be Faithful," a message from the Rev. Federico Ranches of Cleveland, Ohio, 10:30 a.m. service, Moanalua Community Church, 20 Bougainville Drive. 422-9663.
Henry Blackaby, author of "Experiencing God," presenting talks sponsored by the Waterhouse Lecture Series: "The Prayer Life of Jesus," 7-9 p.m. Monday, Hope Chapel Kane'ohe; "Biblical Patterns for Revival and Spiritual Awakening," 7-9 p.m. Friday, New Hope Leeward. Also, "Experiencing God: God's Eternal Purpose," 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Hawai'i Theatre; all events free. or 732-5561, ext. 204.
"Building Character Like Jesus," evening program for children in preschool to sixth grade, 5-9 p.m. Friday, Nu'uanu Congregational Church; free. 595-3935.
"Mary of Magdala," a talk by the Rev. Gregory Johnson, 7-9:30 p.m. Friday, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Palolo Valley. 523-1170.
"Jesus Was Single (And So Are We!)," 2005 singles conference, 5:30-10 p.m. Friday and 8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. next Saturday, First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu; $35 for two-day conference. www.fpchawaii .org or 440-6553.
"Essential Tibetan Buddhist Training for the Mind," instruction by Lama Tempa Gyeltshen, 9 a.m.-noon and 2-5 p.m. next Saturday and 2-4 p.m. July 24, Kagyu Thegchen Ling; $15 per session or $40 for all three. 595-8989 or 394-1421.
Send announcements with contact name and phone number to: Faith Calendar, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; faith@honoluluadver with "Faith Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.