Community calendar
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CRIBBAGE GAMES, 6:30 p.m. every Friday, HonBLUE, 501 Sumner St., Suite 381; sponsored by The North Shore Peggers, a grassroots club of the American Cribbage Congress; all ages welcome. 261-4468.
'UKULELE AND HULA WORKSHOP, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Windward Community College; beginners and experienced welcome; hula by kumu Noenoe Zuttermeister and Kawai Hewett; 'ukulele by Benny Chong, Ron Loo, Gordon Mark, Herb Ohta Jr.; ho'ike at end of day; $90 fee includes lunch, senior citizens $72, single session $30, scholarships available for students, grade 6 through college. 235-7433,
VISITOR ALOHA SOCIETY free volunteer training session, 9 a.m.-noon, Hawai'i Convention Center boardroom; become an Ambassador of Aloha, learn how to deal with visitors who need assistance in times of emergency; Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German and Spanish speakers especially needed. 926-8274.