State, city to discuss Waikane flooding
The city has agreed to spend $250,000 to clear 200 feet of debris clogging an unnamed stream in Waikane Valley in an effort to alleviate flooding in the area. The city and a state agency both have responsibility for the stream, and the City Council wants the state to help.
The city splits ownership of the stream with the Housing and Community Development Corp. of Hawai'i. However, HCDCH, a state agency, has said it could not participate in the stream-clearing project because it lacks the money, equipment or manpower.
The HCDCH has said it is willing to discuss options. Its executive director, Stephanie Aveiro, will meet with the city this week in an attempt to find a solution.
Waikane Valley has had floods that closed roads and swept away automobiles. When the highway is closed, hundreds of people cannot get to work or school.
The unnamed stream that joins with Waikane Stream is being blamed for continuous flooding in the area. Last year the city spent $132,400 to remove trees that impeded water flow at the mouth of Waikane Stream, in an attempt to reduce flooding.