Posted on: Sunday, June 19, 2005
Art Calendar
Advertiser Staff
Sculpture: Fantastic Forms, explore the museum's collection of three-dimensional works, with entertainment and children's art activities and storytime, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. today, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free admission, sponsored by the Bank of Hawaii and The Honolulu Advertiser. 532-8700.
"In the Beginning ... " tour of the museum's collection with docent Bill Gemmer, 2:30-4 p.m. Tuesday and June 26, Honolulu Academy of Arts; free with museum admission, $7 general and $4 military, seniors and students. Reservations: 532-8700.
Insights on Caring For and Preserving Indigenous and Native Objects, Sherelyn Ogden shares her knowledge on the spiritual and cultural concerns in preserving and displaying Native American objects, 7 p.m. Wednesday, UH-Manoa Krauss Hall 012; free. 956-8246.
Color Gallery deco clay exhibit and demonstration of works by Japanese clay artists Kazuko Miyai and her daughter Yukiko Miyai-Mackay, 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. June 26, Macy's Ala Moana, Special Events Room, level three; free; also, workshops with the artists offered for a fee. Call for workshop registration and details: 735-7800.
ArtSmart, an ARTafterDark event for young professionals with an tour of the current "Artists of Hawai'i" exhibit, live music, slam poetry, artist demonstrations and a talk by academy director Stephen Little on collecting art, 6-9 p.m. Friday, Honolulu Academy of Art; free for academy members, $7 for nonmembers. 532-8700.
Studio Sale, special prices on paintings, prints and artwork by gallery artists, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, The Gallery at Ward Centre; free admission. 597-8034.
New Paintings by Mark N. Brown, today through July 8, reception 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Bethel Street Gallery. 524-3552.
"Lucky Come Hawai'i," oils and watercolors of Hilo by Gerald Murai, through Friday, Louis Pohl Gallery. 521-1812.
"Seeing it Through," photographs by the late scientist/photographer Al Benedict, author of "Ka Iwi: Survival of a Coast," through Friday, Kapi'olani Community College, Lama Library. 734-9674.
"Ether/Ore," Jesi Asagi, Devin Mohr, CJ Lileikis, Dark Sevier and Christopher St. John present an exhibit on metaphysics and dry time, through Saturday, The ARTS at Marks Garage. 521-2903.
"Metalmorphosis," jewelry and sculpture by eight women, through Saturday, Koa Gallery, Kapi'olani Community College. 734-9374.
"Katherine Love: Molded," mixed-media paintings and fiber art explores women's roles in the home, through Saturday, thirtyninehotel. 599-2552.
"Landscapes and Still Life," paintings by Mark Brown and friends, through Saturday, Caf� Che Pasta. 599-2552.
ONGOING EXHIBITS (Listed by closing date)
"Celestial Ascent," images by Jon Mozo, through June 29, Canon Photo Gallery. 522-5930.
"Fish Tales," gyotaku prints by Naoki Hayashi, through June 30, Ko'olau Gallery, Manoa Marketplace. 988-4147.
"With Eyes Wide Open," new paintings by Mark Norseth; "Beadlieve It or Knot," beaded jewelry and lampwork glass beads by Charlene Tashima and Joel Park; and "Recent Works" of ceramics by Janice Brown, through June 30, The Gallery, Ward Centre. 597-8034.
"Ragged Edge," poster art images by Guy A. Sibilla, sponsored by INspiration Home and Office Furnishings, through June 30, f22 Photo Gallery. 630-9184.
"shaping the void hands empty of desire," ceramics by Kauka de Silva, through July 1, bibelot gallery. 738-0368.
"Abstracts," paintings by D.Y. Wilson, through July 1, Gallery on the Pali. 595-4047.
"Expressions from the Heart," retrospective of works by Rikiya Asai, through July 1, Art of Vision Gallery at Laser Eye Center of Honolulu. 946-6000.
2nd annual Open Juried Pastel Exhibition, through July 8, Pauahi Tower, Bishop Square, Mezzanine Gallery. 538-1052.
"Paul Emmert: Views of Hawai'i (second rotation)," views of Kona Coast and Kilauea Volcano, through July 17, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Holt Gallery. 532-8701.
"Pet Project," multimedia works by 20 Hawai'i artists, through July 22, Hawai'i Pacific University Art Gallery. 544-0287.
Artists of Hawai'i 2005, annual show of contemporary multimedia works, juried by Bernice Steinbaum, plus solo exhibits of works by invited artists Sean K.L. Browne, Fred H. Roster, Frank W. Sheriff and Shigeharu Yamada, through July 24, Henry R. Luce Pavilion and Gallery, Honolulu Academy of Arts. 532-8701.
"American Studio Sculpture," early-20th-century works from the academy's collection, through July 24, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Graphic Arts Gallery. 532-8701.
"Nostalgic Japan," landscapes by Kawase Hasui from 1883 to 1957, through Aug. 7, Honolulu Academy of Arts, James A. Michener Gallery. 532-8701.
Biennial Exhibition of Hawai'i Artists, recent multimedia works by invited artists living and working in the state, through Aug. 14, The Contemporary Museum at Makiki Heights. 526-1322.
"Defining Home: Native Woods, Western Objects," Hawaiian furniture and furnishings and the history of furniture-making in Hawai'i, through Aug. 20, Mission Houses Museum.
OTHER VENUES (Listed by closing date)
Monkey-Ame Artists Group Show, works influenced by Japanese anime (animated cartoons) and manga (comic book) art from Hawai'i high school and college students, through June 30, Stairway Gallery, Borders, Ward Centre. 591-8995.
Works by Michael Chun and Kathy Paaina, student work from the Louis Vuitton Creative Art Program, through June 30, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific Art Gallery. 531-3511.
Portraits and Abstracts by Una White, through June 30, Tea at 1024. 372-1722.
"John Coltrane's Ear, Buddha's Hand, Jacob's Ladder," large painting by Rosalinda Kolb, through June 30, Coffeeline (inside Atherton YMCA). 778-7909, 395-9065.
Ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock prints, through June 30, Kapolei Hale. 527-5666.
"Insights," biennial juried show, sponsored by National League of American Pen Women, through July 1, Honolulu Country Club Art Gallery. 627-1079.
Korean Children's Art Contest, exhibit of works by Korean students, through July 2, Honolulu Hale's Lane Gallery. 527-5666.
"Time," solo exhibit by Mehee Lee, through July 2, Boba Gallery, 2615 S. King St. 428-3630.
NEIGHBOR ISLANDS (Listed by closing date)
Works by Tutu's Quilters, quilts and other fabric art by students at Tutu's House, through June 30, Firehouse Gallery, Waimea, Big Island. (808) 887-1052.
"Slippahs and Such," woodblock prints, and oil and watercolor paintings by Mary Spears reflecting Hawai'i and Polynesia, through June 30, Pu'uopelu Gallery, Parker Ranch Historic Homes, Waimea, Big Island. (808) 885-5433.
"Lavascapes and Subterranean Visions," paintings of Donna Carnegie, through July 4, Volcano Art Center Gallery, Big Island. (808) 967-7565,
Anne Schneider and Chris Kurz, oil paintings and stained/fused glass, through July 15; Kauai Museum. (808) 826-6720.
"Brown & White," exhibit of works by Martin Betz and Eszter Delgado including audio and video installations, photography, film and sculptural elements, through July 17, Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Kahului, Maui. (808) 242-2787.
Caring for Collections, workshop led by Sherelyn Ogden on the causes and prevention of deterioration of cultural objects and native art collections, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday, UH-Manoa Kuykendall 101; $100 general, $85 students and HMA members plus cost of optional textbook. Register for course P07704: 956-8400.
Art Classes, ongoing instruction in various media for children and adults, Tradewinds Gallery, Windward Mall, Kane'ohe. Call for schedule and tuition: 952-0309.
Summer Drawing Classes with instructor Wayne Takazono at Hawaiian Graphics and Windward Mall. Call for schedule and fees: 554-4600.
Honolulu Cultural District and Fort Street Business Improvement District call for two-dimensional works for exhibit in an open air gallery. Call for details: 845-3918. Deadline is Friday.
Arts Pacifica Biennale 2005, competition among Big Island artists for pieces created on the theme of "egg," juried by Joel A. Miller, for the July 9-31 exhibit to be shown at the Firehouse Gallery and the Kahilu Theater lobby, Waimea, Big Island. Entries accepted between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. July 1 and 2; entry fees are $15 for one piece, $25 for two and $30 for three works. Call for information: (808) 887-1052.
The Association of Hawaii Artists seeks wall-mounted works with a maximum measurement of 11 by 14 inches (excluding frame) for their "Small Treasures Show" scheduled for July 10-Aug. 19 and juried by Russell Sunabe. Entries accepted 2-4 p.m. July 9 at Gallery on the Pali; $20 fee per entry for a maximum of three pieces for AHA members; nonmem-bers may join for an additional $30 annual fee.
Hadassah seeks Jewish artists interested in showing their works for an exhibit in spring 2008. Contact 532-8705 by July 31 for complete details and submission requirements.
Send announcements, with contact name and phone number, to Island Life, Art Calendar, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802;, with "Art Cal" in the subject line; or fax 525-8055.