Posted on: Sunday, June 19, 2005
Washington Week
Gannett News Service
1. Gifts to Cuba
The House narrowly rejected 216-210 an amendment by Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., that would have blocked restrictions on gift parcels shipped to Cuba.
Hawai'i votes
Neil Abercrombie (D) YEA
2. Medical Marijuana
The House voted 264-161 to reject an amendment by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., to stop the federal government from prosecuting people who use marijuana for medical purposes in the 10 states that now allow it.
Hawai'i votes
Neil Abercrombie (D) YEA
3. Patriot Act
The House voted 238-187 to repeal a portion of the Patriot Act, a controversial anti-terrorism law enacted in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Vermont Rep. Bernie Sanders' amendment, which President Bush has threatened to veto, would throw out the Patriot Act section that makes it easier for federal agents to find out what books people have purchased from stores or borrowed from libraries.
Hawa'i votes
Neil Abercrombie (D) YEA
4. Gun Exports
The House voted 278-149 to reject an amendment that would have restricted gun manufacturers' exports of high-powered, .50-caliber rifles that can bring down jet airliners from a mile away.
Hawai'i votes
Neil Abercrombie (D) YEA
5. United Nations
The House voted 221-184 to cut U.S. dues to the United Nations in half if it doesn't change how it operates. The Bush administration has warned that the proposal could hurt reform efforts. The proposal faces an uncertain future in the Senate.
Hawai'i votes
Neil Abercrombie (D) NAY
1. Increased Ethanol
The Senate voted 70-26 for an amendment to the energy bill that would mandate much higher use of ethanol, a gas additive made from corn.
Hawai'i votes
Daniel Akaka (D) YEA
The Senate is expected to vote tomorrow on a motion to break a Democratic filibuster on President Bush's nomination of John Bolton to serve as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. The Senate also will try to complete its work on a comprehensive energy bill by the end of the week. The House plans to work on three 2006 spending bills Defense, Labor-Health and Human Services, and the legislative branch. Also planned is a vote on a constitutional amendment that would ban burning the American flag and an intelligence authorization bill.
Ed Case (D) NAY
Ed Case (D) YEA
Ed Case (D) YEA
Ed Case (D) YEA
Ed Case (D) NAY
Key Senate votes
Dan Inouye (D) YEA
What's ahead