Posted on: Tuesday, March 1, 2005
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Finding a place of my own
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By Leila Wai
Advertiser Staff Writer
After all the ads I've been combing through recently, I feel like placing one myself: Looking for the perfect home.
I'm 25. It's time to finally start my life, and the first item on my checklist is to buy an apartment.
My ad would read "searching for a one possibly two bedroom apartment with plush carpet, a beautiful view" ... I'm dreaming, right?
The problem is I'm pretty clueless as to how to get started. I know what I'm looking for, sort of, and I'm willing to sacrifice some things for others, kind of.
And I'm admitting it, I'm really scared. It isn't like buying pair of jeans or a dress, this is a huge investment.
Am I terrified of being suckered into buying a place like I was when I bought my car? Of course. But then I should have listened to advice that I bring my boyfriend along so he could be the mean one and glower about the high price.
I think I'm smarter now. I'll drag him along this time.
On the flip side, I just want to do it already. Some of the places, I can tell, would just be perfect for me.
At least they seem like it.
I know I want a washer and dryer in the unit, and a kitchen and bathroom that look good. I heard new carpet and paint are a must. So is secure, covered parking safety, safety, safety.
I love the idea of an exercise room, but I guess I can't be too picky. Would a pool be asking for too much?
I spend hours searching the Internet and The Advertiser, jotting down MLS numbers and other things I don't understand on pieces of paper that I lose almost immediately.
I'm slowly learning the lingo real estate agents use in ads: "great potential," "as is," "charming." I guess it translates to "you need to spend a lot of your own money to make the place great."
I don't know when I will find the time to actually look at the buildings in person, much less at the individual units. But I know what bathroom fixtures and bookshelves would be so cute in my new place.
It all seems like so much fun. I'm excited to buy my own furniture, make my apartment my own space.
I walk around my house (or my mom's house, which is why I'm looking for a place of my own) making mental checklists of all the things I take for granted and soon will be shopping for: Toilet paper, milk, laundry detergent, dishes, towels, cleaning supplies ... FOOD! Yikes.
Even with all that, with knowing what this will do to my credit card bills, I can't wait to begin the process.
I have to keep telling myself, "baby steps, baby steps." Not rushing into it has been so hard.
Someone is going to have to constantly remind me about taking my time, pointing out all of the flaws of a place, or else I'm probably going to sign the papers on the first place I see.
But is that really that bad? What if it's the perfect one possibly two bedroom apartment, with plush carpet and a beautiful view?
Reach Leila Wai at or 535-2457.