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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Saturday, March 19, 2005

Ministries will gather April 7-9

Advertiser Staff

The 17th annual Hawaiian Islands Ministries conference is set for April 7-9 at the Hawai'i Convention Center.

The event, the largest ecumenical gathering in the Islands, features national speakers from various Christian denominations, including Jim Burns, Craig Gross, Ted Haggard, Arch Hart, John Ort-berg, Bob Russell, John Vawter, Bruce Wilkinson, Bunny Wilson and John Yates.

There will be six general sessions and more than 100 elective seminars presented by more than 50 speakers on topics ranging from prayer, theology, ministry and worship to parenting, counseling, finances, leadership, and relationships.

Cost: $169 ($85 for students and military; $39 for youths 13-18) by March 27 (register online at www.himonline.org).

Information: 988-9777.

Lecture, music on Jews in America

Andrew R. Heinze, a professor of American history, will present a free lecture, "Jews and the American Soul: Reflections on the 350th Anniversary of Jewish Life in America," at the University of Ha-wai'i's Campus Center ballroom at 2 p.m. April 3.

The event will include Ken Aronowitz's music of American Jewish composers as well as music by Rami Gepner. A reception follows. Heinze, an author, wrote "Jews and the American Soul: Human Nature in the 20th Century."

Call Johanna Afshani, 924-1338.

Prayer breakfast happens April 15

Planning is under way for the 26th annual Hawaii Prayer Breakfast, set for 7 a.m. April 15 and followed by an one-hour inspiration forum. The featured speaker will be quadraplegic Joni Eareckson Tada, with Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona, Melveen Leed and others also sharing.

The event takes place at the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Coral Ballroom. Tickets are $25. Information: 486-8986.

New Hope offers special fun today

New Hope Christian Fellowship is hosting a special Easter event today for children and family of Hawai'i prisoners.

Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona, U.S. Attorney Ed Kubo and others will be on hand for the day of fun, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Farrington High campus, 1564 N. King St. Activities include carnival rides, slides, games, a petting zoo, lunch and entertainment by Frank DeLima, Melveen Leed and others.

Information: 842-4242 ext 405.

Baha'is celebrating Naw-Ruz holiday

Naw-Ruz, a major holiday for Zoroastrians as well as a Muslim holy day, also is the Baha'is new year. Celebrations in Hawai'i will include prayer time, family gatherings and gift-giving.

The Honolulu Baha'is community is holding a free dinner with devotions and entertainment at 6 p.m. tomorrow at the Palolo Baha'is Center, 2165 10th Ave. Call 738-5683.