Posted on: Sunday, March 20, 2005
Washington Week
Gannett News Service
WASHINGTON Here are roll calls of key votes in the Senate and House in the past week.
Key House votes
1. Iraq Spending
The House voted 388-43 Wednesday for an $81.4 billion emergency spending package for Iraq and Afghanistan. A yes vote was a vote for the emergency money.
Hawai'i votes: Neil Abercrombie (D) NAY; Ed Case (D) YEA
2. House Budget
The House voted Thursday 218-214 for a budget resolution for fiscal year 2006. A yes vote was for the budget blueprint, which helps guide lawmakers when they go through the appropriations process.
Hawai'i votes: Neil Abercrombie (D) NAY; Ed Case (D) NAY
1. Alaska drilling
On Wednesday, the Senate, by a vote of 49-51, rejected an attempt to remove a provision in next year's budget calling for opening the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. A yes vote was a vote to remove the drilling provision from the budget, and therefore was a vote against drilling in ANWR.
Hawai'i votes: Daniel Akaka (D) NAY; Dan Inouye (D) NAY
2. Medicaid cuts
On Thursday, the Senate voted 52-48 to strip all proposed Medicaid cuts from the fiscal year 2006 budget, contrary to President Bush's wishes, and instead form a panel to study how to change Medicaid. A yes vote was a vote to remove the Medicaid cuts and form a commission.
Hawai'i votes: Daniel Akaka (D) YEA; Dan Inouye (D) YEA
3. Farm program cuts
Thursday, the Senate rejected, 46-54, an attempt by farm-state lawmakers to protect agriculture programs from budget cuts. Now the Senate budget resolution directs the Agriculture Committee to cut $2.8 billion from farm programs over the next five years. A yes vote was a vote for the amendment to take farm program cuts off the table.
Hawai'i votes: Daniel Akaka (D) YEA; Dan Inouye (D) YEA
4. Family planning An amendment by Sens. Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton that would have added $100 million to the budget for family planning services and teen pregnancy prevention programs failed by a vote of 47-53 Thursday.
Hawai'i votes: Daniel Akaka (D) YEA; Dan Inouye (D) YEA
The House and Senate will be in session tomorrow to step into the case of Terri Schiavo, a Florida woman in a vegetative state since 1990, and whether her feeding tube can be removed. Lawmakers will be on a two-week spring recess after that.
•, Library of Congress, to search for specific votes •, the House of Representatives.
•, the U.S. Senate.
Key Senate votes
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