Posted on: Sunday, March 27, 2005
Animal Companions
Advertiser Staff
Tag No. 58265. About 2 years old, Clyde is part Persian with long luxurious fur. He's brown and tan with striking golden eyes. His former owner says Clyde enjoys other cats, people and even dogs. His favorite toy is a cardboard box.
Tag No. 57940. He could star in "The Shaggy Dog," but Fat Boy would prefer to be at home with a loving family. He's got loads of personality wrapped in a large furry package. Long black and white coat requires grooming and attention.
Tag No. 58044. This orange tiger cat is called Miles. He was found March 16 and remains unclaimed at the humane society. If you have lost this sociable male cat with yellow eyes, please visit the shelter to claim him.
Fat Boy
These animals already may have found homes. The Hawaiian Humane Society and McInerny Dog Park, at 2700 Wai'alae Ave., are open daily. For hours, directions, special events and to see more pets available for adoption, see or call 946-2187. Call immediately to report lost or found animals.