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The Honolulu Advertiser
Posted on: Monday, March 28, 2005

Coming Events

Advertiser Staff


• The second in a series of six seminars, "Building Your Dream Home," sponsored by Finance Factors and Graham Builders — on the ins-and-outs of new home construction and remodeling — will be 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Honolulu Country Club. Topics will include planning, budgeting, designing, scheduling and construction. Other Wednesday seminars (same place, time) are scheduled May 25, July 27, Sept. 28 and Nov. 30. Required reservations: 593-2808. Information: www.financefactors.com or www.grahambuilders.com.

• With appropriate credentials, immediate application can be made Wednesday for a U.S. Small Business Administration loan program that provides financial assistance, as well as technical and management assistance. To apply for the program — which targets minorities, women and veterans — you will need good credit, a business license and business banking account. The free, half-day application workshop is scheduled 9 to 11 a.m. at Central Pacific Bank, main branch, 220 S. King St. Required registration: Hal Fraser, 944-1163.

• Ever wonder how a particular commercial got on the air? Or what happens when advertisers "cross the line" legally? Everything you should know about not running afoul of the law in advertising and marketing — the consequences of false advertising, e-marketing restrictions, invasion of privacy and copyright infringement among them — will be the focus of a program co-sponsored by Loomis-ISC and The Honolulu Advertiser. The program — scheduled 3:30 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at The Pacific Club — will feature advertising law expert Doug Wood. Also featured will be some classic commercials and print ads helping to make the point. A question-and-answer session will follow. Fee; student price available. Reservations: 591-8811.


• "NEW WAYS TO PLAN FOR TOMORROW — TODAY," a seminar on individual retirement accounts and retirement planning, is scheduled 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Edward Jones office at Keolu Shopping Center, Suite 106A, Enchanted Lake. Topics will include sources of retirement income, new IRA contribution limits, and the importance of personal IRA savings. Free; limited seating. Reservations: 263-4784.


Two meetings of international business networking organization Business Network International are planned. Information on either: Joann, 235-1262.

• A "Visitor's Day" is planned for the BNI Mana chapter, 7 to 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, at Sizzler's restaurant, 'Aiea.

• A Kina'ole chapter of Kane'ohe, meets 8 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays at Times Coffee Shop, Kane'ohe Bay Shopping Center.


• ALA MOANA TOASTMASTERS no-host luncheon meetings, with opportunities to improve public- and impromptu-speaking abilities, noon to 1 p.m. Thursdays, Yum Yum Tree restaurant, Ward Centre. Guests welcome. 330-5439.

• THE BREAKFAST CLUB, a networking organization for small-business owners and professionals, 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at Sizzler Restaurant, Pearlridge. 456-0222.


• Cash flow tips to help plan, manage and control business needs will be the subject of a workshop Friday, sponsored by the Hawai'i Women's Business Center. "CASH FLOW: WHAT IS IT? HOW DOES IT WORK?" is scheduled 9 a.m. to noon at 1041 Nu'uanu Ave., Suite A. Fee. Registration: 522-8136.


• An APPLE MACINTOSH OS X OPERATING SYSTEM LECTURE, demonstration and question-and-answer session for "PC-switchers," new and experienced Mac users, and those who want to sharpen MacIntosh skills is held noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays, MacMouse ClubHouse, 627 South St., Kaka'ako. Free; no reservations. 921-8294 or info@MacMouse.com.


• A preview of merchandise for buyers in the food-service sector — including restaurant equipment, catering supplies and food items — will be on view 2 to 4 p.m. April 4 at Sam's Club, 750 Ke'eaumoku St. The Merchandise Showcase is focused on restaurant owners, caterers and chefs. One-day passes will be provided for non-Sam's Club members. Information: 945-9841.

• A pair of speakers, sought-after advisers to groups as diverse as NIKE, Starbucks, NASA, the U.S. Army and Royal Canadian Mounted Police — and the city of Seattle — will lead a free seminar April 4 on a specific business approach: taking a critical look at organization prerogatives through "different eyes," a specific "values-driven" focus. The discussion on adding such approaches as environmental sustainability or community responsibility to a group's long-term vision, is sponsored by Punahou School and the University of Hawai'i, Center for Conservation Research and Training.

"VALUES-DRIVEN INNOVATIONú: The Power of Values as an Engine of Innovation," is scheduled 7 p.m. in the Punahou School Twigg-Smith Pavilion. The seminar will be led by Brian F. Nattrass and Mary E. Altomare, also authors and subjects of newspaper and magazine take-outs. Information: David Turner, 944-5719.

Business meetings of general interest are listed in the "Coming Events" column each Monday. Submit notices at least two weeks in advance: Business Events, Business Section, The Honolulu Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax to 525-6763; or e-mail business@honoluluadvertiser.com. (For e-mailed releases, please include information in the body of the message, not in an attachment.)