Posted on: Thursday, May 12, 2005
UH boosts score on NCAA report card
Advertiser Staff
Even after its Academic Progress Rate score was upgraded, the University of Hawai'i still slightly trails both the Division I and Division I-A averages, according to an NCAA report.
UH has a score of 943 over its 18 sports, three points below the Division I-A average and seven under the average for all Division I schools, but still 18 points above the pass/fail line of 925 set by the NCAA.
Schools that fall below 925, which the NCAA has calculated to be a 50-percent graduation rate, and stay there are at risk of having scholarships reduced.
UH's score jumped 13 points from the 930 in February. Schools were allowed to update or correct information from their initial reports.
Currently, UH has a perfect score of 1,000 in four sports women's golf, women's tennis, water polo and men's volleyball but could be below the pass/fail line in as many as five others baseball, cross country, football, indoor track and outdoor track.
"The good news is that we have improved our overall score of 930 that was released in the preliminary report," athletic director Herman Frazier said in a prepared statement yesterday. "Although we do have some work to do in regards to improving the individual scores for a few programs, I feel good about where we are as a department."
Baseball (819 to 868), men's basketball (885 to 941), men's swimming (958 to 979), indoor track (893 to 895), softball (949 to 962) and water polo (929 to 1,000) had gains. Football (912 to 910) and women's basketball (983 to 967) dropped from the February report.
UH-Hilo has one Division I sport, baseball, which had score of 777. Academic Progress Rate (APR) is a newly adopted NCAA measuring stick of academic performance and graduation of scholarship athletes that began with data from the 2003-04 academic year.