Posted on: Saturday, May 14, 2005
Body's built-in purification system works best
By Amy Tousman
Q. Will going on a lemonade fast rid my body of toxins?
A. Some people feel that our food, water and environment produce toxins that build up in our body over time.
They believe that we should vacuum the toxins out of the body through "cleansing" regimens such as the lemonade fast.
Humans actually have a built-in natural detoxification system. The liver and kidneys continually filter blood to extract wastes and contaminants. These substances are then excreted in our urine, feces and sweat.
Advocates of detoxification diets view the cleansing treatments as tools to help this natural process along. Although it is true that pesticides and chemicals are stored in body fat, there is no scientific evidence that a regimen such as the lemonade fast can remove them.
The lemonade fast, consists of 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper (any amount) and 1 cup of pure water. You drink 6 cups of this mixture daily for 10 to 40 days. No solid food is allowed. Laxative teas are recommended.
This fast is low in essential vitamins and minerals. Maple syrup, even the organic kind, is mostly sugar. It contains small amounts of potassium and calcium and only trace amounts of other nutrients.
The fresh-squeezed lemon juice has a little vitamin C, but little else.
The lemonade fast has no protein. Proponents claim we don't need dietary protein because our body can make it on its own. This is not true. Humans lack the ability to produce certain amino acids found in protein foods which are needed for survival. Therefore, we must ingest protein either from food or supplements.
Many people experience dizziness and headaches while on the lemonade fast. Marketers claim this is because of toxins and parasites being removed. In reality, these symptoms are caused by hunger and low blood sugar.
Using laxative teas to speed up elimination of toxins also is troubling. People need laxatives on this fast because it lacks fiber, making it difficult to defecate naturally. These teas can cause dehydration and nutrient imbalances.
Your body is designed to purify itself. You can help your liver and kidneys do the job they were designed to do by eating lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and drinking water. The fiber, antioxidants and water in these foods are nature's body cleansers.
Amy Tousman is a registered dietitian with the Health Education Center of Straub Clinic and Hospital. Hawai'i experts in traditional medicine, naturopathic medicine and diet take turns writing the Prescriptions column. Send your questions to Prescriptions, Island Life, The Advertiser, P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802; fax 535-8170; or to This column is not intended to provide medical advice.