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The Honolulu Advertiser

Posted on: Friday, May 20, 2005

Keep aloha coming for foster families

Parenting is no cakewalk. The stress tied to making everyday decisions that shape the lives of our children and the worry for their well-being when they walk out the door each day are something most parents can surely relate to.

How to get involved

If you're interested in helping Hawai'i's foster families, contact Elaine Chung at the state Department of Human Services at 832-5155 or e-mail her at echung@dhs.hawaii.gov.

In the case of foster children, many of whom also have special emotional and physical needs, parenting can be even more emotionally exhausting.

So it is particularly gratifying to see the positive response to the state's call for help for foster parents in need of a little lift. Whether it's helping with basic chores such as shopping or yardwork, or offering to provide a few hours of relief in other ways so that these foster parents can catch a breath, this small slice of aloha will surely go a long way to making daily life just a bit easier on these families.

Dozens of people have responded to the call, agreeing to give up about eight hours of their time each month to give foster parents some respite. And the state is hoping that those offers of help will continue to roll in.

Indeed, we could all use a little help now and then. Keep it coming, Hawai'i.